Jesse Helms II?


Veteran Expediter
What the author fails to realize, or fails to acknowledge, is the fact that this "supercommittee" means nothing but talk. The cuts are for 10 years down the line. Anyone who knows anything about the workings of government knows that one congress cannot hold another congress hostage to its legislation. Any time a congressperson, or president, or talkinghead gets on the air and touts, "This bill will cut a kajillion dollars over the next 10 years!", is making doublespeak. More than likely, most of that kajillion will be projected to be cut in the 8-10 year range. By then, congress will cancel it.

Now tell me... what would the supercommittee have done for TODAY?


Seasoned Expediter
Thanks I needed a good laugh this morning.It reads to me like Kyl was in there doing what the people that voted him in office wanted him to do.Not raise their taxes.

Why were the democrats going to Harry Reid anyway.There is your so called saboteur.The dems were calling for 1 trillion in new taxes.That left just 200 billion in spending cuts.Did anyone think that a deal like this would be made?Did anyone really think that the democrats would make big cuts to their sacred cows that insures them votes buy paying off the voters??Funny how the writter does not say a thing about the union leaders that have made public threats to with hold their support for any democrats that work with republicans on a deal.But then why would he this is an attack peice on republicans Kyl and Norquist.

Liberal Groups Threaten Kerry and Democrats on Super Committee Willing to Touch Social Security |

Boehner's House Republicans, aware that voters will hold them to account for inaction, were willing to deal.
Voters would have voted them out if they would have allowed a deal that had more taxes then cuts.Not if they dont make a deal.

Lets face it the democrats got what they wanted.NO DEAL.The cuts that are being made are very good for democrats.Almost half to defence and the rest are not to any real programs that the dems have to worry about costing them votes.Not being willing to make a deal gave them an easy out from making hard decisions that they would then have to explain to the voters.Plus the democrats still get to use their whole class warfare against the republicans.The republicans only care about the rich and protecting them."The republicans want the poor to eat cat food" "The republicans want to let the poor just die" "The republicans want to let youre children freeze in the winter"

You really got to love how they liberal media uses the tax cuts against the republicans while they look the other way on the fact that at least the republicans are being honest about what they think on taxes.Also at least the republicans do what they say they are going to do when it come to taxes and not say one thing to the voters then vote for the very thing they told the voters they were against.After all more democrats voted for the tax cut extensions then did republicans.And this was at a time when democrats had controll of the house and the senate.


Veteran Expediter
I'm wondering what's going to happen when they don't do anything and programs like Medicare are left with nothing. Who's going to fix the problem then?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I'm wondering what's going to happen when they don't do anything and programs like Medicare are left with nothing. Who's going to fix the problem then?

No one, they are not fixable. That is the goal. Then they can impose even more socialized medicine at the point of a gun.


Veteran Expediter
Well you missed the point.

IF Medicare runs out of money, so does any other 'like' program.

I listened to a good non-emotional/politically neutral discussion this morning on the way home about this very issue. The "super-committee" was setup to fail, not by Obama but by all of congress because of the mentality of the congress's population and the idea that the "automatic" cuts won't have finger's pointing at anyone specific. They went into the discussion of what the feds can not do with Medicare and social security, and how the system will implode without any serious effort to fix the problems by the second quarter of 2012 because revenues are not projected to increase until 2014 from the last bunch of numbers.

Their conclusion and mine is that the people who depend on the benefits of medicare and other 'like' programs will have to do without because the government won't be able to make up the short fall and the programs will have to be halted.


Veteran Expediter
...They went into the discussion of what the feds can not do with Medicare and social security, and how the system will implode without any serious effort to fix the problems by the second quarter of 2012 because revenues are not projected to increase until 2014 from the last bunch of numbers.

Anyone else noticing a lot of bad stuff projected to happen next year? Tends to make one rethink the Mayan calender stuff being baloney, doesn't it?


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Nope, it doesn't. Everything bad that happens next year will be blamed on the Mayan Calendar, despite the fact that it would have happened even if the Mayan Calendar had never existed. Calendars (and the concept of time) is a man-made construct that means, in the end, nothing. There's a snotload of calendars out there, from Mayan to Jewish to Islamic to Chinese to Buddhist to Julian.


Veteran Expediter
I know there are. Not taking the Mayan (or Hopi, for that matter) calender into consideration, there is enough going on that one could conceive an apocalyptic end to civilization as we know it. I, personally, believe food riots will happen - and am preparing for such. People will not stand for their money becoming worthless, as the Fed endlessly continues to print it. Then, IMO, a revolt will happen, depending on what the government does in lieu of the food riots. I don't see 2012 being all that kind.