January Locations & Witty Repartee


Veteran Expediter
Well it took 2 days and 2 Freightliner Dealers, but I think Jesse's ready to go back on the road. So let's try to get this year started again


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Turtle, if you need occasional pain relief, you might try the generic Excedrin - it has aspirin, acetaminophen [generic Tylenol], and caffeine. The Tylenol might be a drawback, but the aspirin & caffeine mean there's less of it, at least.
Still have swelling? Is that normal? [I've never broken a bone - yet.]
I've been taking a couple of Tylenol once or twice a day. He said Tylenol was fine. But I've also been taking one Aleve naproxen twice a day to keep down the swelling.

The first 2 weeks after the break I took a bunch of ibuprofen 3 or 4 times a day for the swelling, along with the hydrocodone w/Tylenol. He said no ibuprofen, that it retards (uhm, I mean, challenges) bone healing. He didn't say no other NSAIDs. So I went with Aleve, twice a day, and also drank copious amounts of cranberry juice, because it's loaded with acetylsalicylic acid, which is what aspirin is. OK< so the Aleve was a mistake, so now it's still Tylenol once or twice a day for pain, and then aspirin and cranberry juice for the swelling.

Yeah, there's still quite a bit of swelling. Throughout the wrist area, the back of the hand (metacarpal bones area), and the proximal phalanx (first joint next to the knuckle) of the index and second fingers. Still can't make much of a fist due to the proximal phalanx swelling. And the flexor tendons are tight as a piano string. I can sometimes feel those all the way up the arm. The tendon tightness, and the swelling, is still severely limiting me on the range of movement, especially on bending the wrist upwards, particularly if I have the fingers extended. And bending downward if I have a pseudo-fist made, it really tugs the tendons.

I can use a mouse now, for the most part. But on the top middle of the mouse there is a wheel for scrolling through long pages. When I do that with my index finger, sometimes I feel that pain and tightness from my finger base up my hand and wrist (especially where the pulse is taken) all the way nearly to the elbow. Man that hurts. But I've been using a mouse for 4 days now and it's getting a little better each day.

I think I'm another couple of three days away from being able to put on and unbuckle a seatbelt. But yesterday was the first time since the break I could turn the ignition key and start the van without crying like a little girl. I came close, but I manned up and toughed it out. :D

I also chose not to even try that again today.


Veteran Expediter
Those flexor tendons you mentioned? Mine have "nodes" on them , [repetitive motion injury], which sometimes get caught on the bands of tissue across the bottom of each finger, which locks the finger in a curled position. Makes it real hard [well, impossible] to put gloves on, but also makes it impossible to flip people off, so I guess it's a wash, lol.
I still say the generic Excedrin is the best pain relief, because the caffeine potentiates the acetominophen & acetylsalicylic acid, so they work better in smaller amounts. And the WalMart brand is a deal: $4.00 for 200, while the name brand is about twice that much.
I have a very low tolerance for pain, lol. And for cold, so I'm very happy to be heading for Chattanooga. :)


Expert Expediter
I think I'm another couple of three days away from being able to put on and unbuckle a seatbelt. But yesterday was the first time since the break I could turn the ignition key and start the van without crying like a little girl. I came close, but I manned up and toughed it out. :D

I also chose not to even try that again today.

Without writing a long diatribe (I'll leave that up to you), Calcium, Potassium, and Magnesium. Take one of each in pill form every day and you will heal so fast your head will spin and they will eliminate the pain altogether (takes about 3 days) . I'm not a doctor nor do I play one on TV. . However, it was a doctor that suggested this. . I take no responsibility but it helped me tremendously. .


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
Was looking at the weekly Kroger ad this morning while making out a grocery list. Saw a $2 off coupon for..wait for it....Jameson. Maybe a certain individual should stock up??


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Getting the van put back together and should be back in service monday.



Veteran Expediter
I sold the sprinter and run a ford cargo max lol but thanks.....I chickened out and paid the local ford dealer to change the spark plugs....in this cold weather it's worth the price to stay warm!


Veteran Expediter
Motor Carrier Executive
US Army
Hope everyone is having a good Saturday. Family day here. Out to the cemetery to put Greta's mother ashes in the mausoleum. Then a big pizza lunch at a local place where her family always went growing up.


Veteran Expediter
Motor Carrier Executive
US Army
Well good Sunday morning to all. Hope everyone is doing ok out there. Nice to have a little bit warmer weather and see a little of this ice and snow melt way. I am not a fan of the cold one bit.


Retired Expediter
Well good Sunday morning to all. Hope everyone is doing ok out there. Nice to have a little bit warmer weather and see a little of this ice and snow melt way. I am not a fan of the cold one bit.

May I interrupt your regularly scheduled program here.....didn't know whom to call....

But it appears I am still on auto deposit for the reward points program...just got 5,000 for safe driving....you may want to contact the appropriate person John...and have my account closed.....Not that I mind spending your money.....LOL Thanks!
and BTW you still owe me a lunch...."wink, nudge"


Veteran Expediter
Motor Carrier Executive
US Army
May I interrupt your regularly scheduled program here.....didn't know whom to call....

But it appears I am still on auto deposit for the reward points program...just got 5,000 for safe driving....you may want to contact the appropriate person John...and have my account closed.....Not that I mind spending your money.....LOL Thanks!
and BTW you still owe me a lunch...."wink, nudge"

Will have it checked out. Normally the accounts are closed automatically when a driver leaves.
