Ok it looks back, it was earlier and then i couldn't get in...hey there is no "Like/Share" anymore...oh well...
So...Got into Dallas around 0200...been here all day...just got a call for a "I can bid on this for you...Dallas to Houston for a noon pickup..then to abilene....." The way rates have been down here, goin further west,....they didn't already have it , it was a if come maybe...., I am headin to Little rock....then on the Wset Memphis (Olive branch) and if nothing out of there...I am goin home for the weekend...its on sons birthday Friday, he got some disappointing news today, i need to pickup the licence plate sticker....and ...and...yeap , I headin east, workin my way home....Texas....i ain't goin to miss you too much...until the next call to run to Laredo...