Sitting since Friday 7pm in Princeton, IN. Fun times. At least the showers are nice at the J.
Got home a few hours ago!lazy boy and the remote!
Great piece of **** van just broke down......
Whatever they did today when I got my oil change done...
Non of the lights are working plus it over heated abs made some ducked up noise
Got home a few hours ago!lazy boy and the remote!
lazy boy and the remote!
Note to self, no more Burger King Yumbo before bed. woke up from some really bad nightmares. Oh wait, I did talk to my ex-wife before going to bed
View attachment 10324 Maybe today....supposed to be in the 60's out here! Where is my weather story?...HISTORIC heat wave for SD?.......LOL
Yeah, we must make EVERYTHING a "historic event" for sure! Sure gets really silly after a while, does it not?