It's time to play..WHO'S IN THAT TRUCK?!


Veteran Expediter
Graduated from high school in 1961,then off to college I went.A doctor was the plan,but couldn't transfer schools as grades were to low.
Was in band,on both golf and bowling teams,but after school,and after jumping from job to job,became a horse trainer,taking care of my fathers horse farm,raising and training Tennessee Walking horses,and Morgan horses.
Married in 1970,divorced in 1977,and became a truck driver that year.
Drove company truck for 4 years,then lost my mind and purchased my first truck.
Next on the agenda,move to Phoenix Az,changed trucks,bought refer trailer,and started hauling produce,oh forgot,did get my own authority.
In 1984,found Roberts Express,and the rest is history.
At one time had 3 trucks,sold two of the trucks to the drivers,just one now,and a co driver that will get his U S citizenship Sept of 2010.
You can find The 2 of us in the purple Freightliner Coranado,leased to FDCC somewhere in the lower 48


Moderator Emeritus
Actually ,the CLC website say that the Hotel room is provided for a full 24 Hours .

.....but the desk clerks are clueless of this fact. argument always starts at 10:45 and wakes me up. they have all kinds of excuses. gotten to the point i check in. ask if they understand the clc policy. if not i call clc to call the desk after i leave.


Moderator Emeritus
i like to drive and eat bbq. she likes to knit and be with me. romeo and juliet it might not be but it works for us.

outwardbound 2

Expert Expediter
I'm Back

After being laid-off of my last job. I was asked what I planned to do now? I replied jokingly I think I'll become a truck driver. So be careful it seems jokes can come true to.

Doggie Daddy

Veteran Expediter
Where on the website does it say that? We use our CLC card sometimes, and had heard about this but never was able to find it.

I don't remember where it is stated that you have 24 hours,but it doesn't matter because no one will honor that.

You would do better to try priceline when you want to get a room,better hotels and always consistantly lower than CLC.

Case in point,we are in a Holiday Inn in south Texas at $35.00 a night. ;)


Not a Member
I used to own a snack food distributorship in the late 80's, sold it, and bought a daycab truck and did the local expedite thing until 91 when I got divorced, bought a new sleeper-equipped truck, signed on with Panther in 95,and been doing it ever since.I love it, even as tough as it is getting at times.The freed om makes all the b.s worthwhile.


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
Well.....I Graduated high school in 1991 in Mattawan MI....went right to work cause my son was born.....started in the Mechincal Insualtion field ( insulating pipes,ducts,tanks)....did that locally till 1995 and took a job insulating Corrugator (cardboard) steam systems all over the usa. Did that till 2000 when i bought the company with a buudy and we did that gig till 2008 when the insulation buis. dropped out, and was tottaly burned out also. so i had always seen those vans at all the truckstops in my travels so started asking around....well went to work for an owner @ nations ...that sucked hated a load sit 3-4 a load sit....

so xmas 0f 2008 bought my own van signed on to Bolt and been happy ever day.