It's Spring!


Expert Expediter
And springtime allergies, which I've never had a problem with before, are wreaking havoc with my sinuses this year. :( On top of that I've been suffering with a chest cold since my last visit home. I am hoping that someone who also has allergy problems might suggest some OTC medication that is allowable to take while driving.

I've been taking Mucinex D which was recommended by a pharmacist, and is non-drowsy, but it's really not working that well. Plus it is drying me out so bad that my lips are chapped now too! I really used to love this time of year but this year I really hate it! :eek:


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Mucinex D contains a combination of guaifenesin and pseudoephedrine.

Guaifenesin is an expectorant. It helps loosen congestion in your chest and throat, making it easier to cough out through your mouth. Guaifenesin cough syrups will generally work better than Guaifenesin pills will as a chest decongestant. I have no idea why, but at least that's the case with me.

Pseudoephedrine is a decongestant that shrinks blood vessels in the nasal passages. Dilated blood vessels can cause nasal congestion (stuffy nose). Problem is, when the pseudoephedrine wears off, the passages swell back up, often larger (and thus more congested) than before.

What you're describing is a histamine problem as much as anything, so you need an antihistamine. When a lot of other antihistamines or things like Mucinex and Sudafed fail with me, Benadryl Dye Free always works like a charm. If my nasal passages or sinuses are also clogged, a saline nasal spray works wonders, and without the side effects of a pseudoephedrine or other membrane shrinkers. I've had several nasal congestion problems (that often lead to chest congestion) that I've treated and eliminated quickly with saline nasal spray alone.

Benadryl is not a non-drowsy medication, like a pseudoephedrine medication (Sudafed, Mucinex), so be keenly aware of when you use it. But I find that it works very quickly and does not make me drowsy, unless I'm already tired. I'll usually take it before I go to bed, though, just in case, and not take it while driving.

Also, and I don't know why, but Benadryl Dye Free will work when regular Benadryl won't. It's weird.


Expert Expediter
Thank you so much for all the wonderful information Turtle! I had no idea about the way the different ingredients work. I think I'll give the Benadryl Dye-Free a try, but I will only take it before bed. Hopefully it will make sleeping easier.

I think I might also get some Guaifenesin syrup to take during my drive times instead of the Mucinex. That way I can avoid the Pseudoephedrine altogether. We'll see how it goes. Thanks again, you've been a big help. :)

And a note to OVM.. Bah, Humbug!! :p


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Don't forget that saline (salt water) nasal spray. Like I said, I've used that alone, no other medications needed, on many occasions. The saline (salt) does double duty. It shrinks the membranes, but in a gentle and more natural way, thus eliminating the over-swelling when it wears off. Plus, the salt solution also absorbs, loosens and expels nasal and sinus congestion (you know, the snot). As an added benefit, the saline is the same concentration as is found in your body, so when it dries out you aren't dried out with it.

As for the chapped lips, take it from a former trumpet player, Blistex Medicated Lip Ointment in the little toothpaste looking tube. Waxy lip balms like Chap-Stick will protect lips from getting chapped in harsh conditions, but they won't do a thing to heal chapped lips. Blistex is all that and a bag of chips. It'll heal chapped lips within 24 hours.
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Veteran Expediter
Inkasnana, Forget the drugs and all the over the counter stuff.
You know darn well the only way your going to feel better is to fill the cooler and go fishing...Just admit it and blow a few days off work (someone else will haul it) Dont worry bout the freight get some rest & Hope ya feeling better:D


Expert Expediter
Inkasnana, Forget the drugs and all the over the counter stuff.
You know darn well the only way your going to feel better is to fill the cooler and go fishing...Just admit it and blow a few days off work (someone else will haul it) Dont worry bout the freight get some rest & Hope ya feeling better:D

LOL thanks, but I don't think my hubby will let me take a few days off. He's such a slave driver!. :D


Veteran Expediter
Speaking of spring,,
Wondering if anyone had a chance to go Turkey Hunting as Monday was opening day of the spring hunt..
I seen 2 nice Toms in my front yard Monday morning but let em walk..
Now if they where in the backyard I would have taken one:D


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I most likely will not be. I have two tags in PA but never put in for the Michigan draw. I really don't have time to do the scouting etc. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Layout dont qout me but I think they are selling em over the counter in Michigan....No need to scout at my place I have left em alone for so long that they actually roost on the rails on my deck,,,I have lost the front lawn twice due to all the scatching.
Needless to say I stopped feeding em..If the attetment works you should see one of the small flocks that hang around..Be more then happy to give ya your pick,,we dont really hunt em much..

2004 088.jpg
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
LOL, If I get the chance I will be MORE than happy to help you with your problem!!! I hope I can stay working. This week is slow so far but the last two have been quite good. I don't know Michigans turkey laws very well. I do know the laws much better in Pennsylvania. There you get a spring turkey and a fall turkey tag on you basic licience, even on a
non-resident tag. I don't take time off for turkey, I use my allotted hunting time for duck and deer. I try to fish when I get weekends off while I am out. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
And springtime allergies,

Well how bout an update,,,been about 10 days now.... How ya feeling?

Did ya shake the cold?? Did ya get Hubby sick?? What kinda drugs ya get??
Most important,,,Did ya blow off work for a few days:D:D
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