It's Called Self Defense.

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Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Most likely a good rule of common sense is do not attend a riot these days since many police departments have their hands tied by mayors and other governing bodies,,,
I agree. So where's the national guard when these protest/riots are going on?
Why is the governor (assuming he or she has the power to call them out) not making sure there is no rioting and looting going on if the police forces can't handle it?


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Bottom line, criminally responsible or not, one thing is very clear.
It's very clear that the great majority who participated in this thread support vigilantiism, that's for sure, LoL!
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Veteran Expediter
I agree. So where's the national guard when these protest/riots are going on?
Why is the governor (assuming he or she has the power to call them out) not making sure there is no rioting and looting going on if the police forces can't handle it?
The governor of wi is a Democrat I believe and did not call them out for the riot because hes well a coward. I mean look at Seattle and Minneapolis both run by Democrats.....


Veteran Expediter
Bottom line, criminally responsible or not one thing is very clear.
It's very clear that the great majority who participated in this thread support vigilantiism, that's for sure, LoL!
When the police and national guard are not there who is going to protect the people from the thugs????


Veteran Expediter
I'll say this it is better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.....
I feel safer in a Republican run state than a Democrat one after seeing all the riots.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
When the police and national guard are not there who is going to protect the people from the thugs????
So then maybe what really should have been on trial here is, did the rule of law even exist if there was no police or national guard presence?
If the rule of law still exists, then Rittenhouse is guilty of vigilantiism. If it didn't, then Rittenhouse is a hero and I do understand that that is pretty much what the Pro Rittenhouse crowd is saying however because I am of the belief that the rule of law did still exist even though it may not have looked like it at the time, two wrongs don't make a right. However if the rule of law didn't exist, then whoever wins becomes the new law maker anyway so history can never judge them wrongly, LoL!
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Hopefully, we're not headed to a point where every sentence in every conversation is nit-picked and fact checked in a conversational forum.
You've got to be kidding! What, we should just take your word for it?
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Veteran Expediter
So then maybe what really should have been on trial here is, did the rule of law even exist if there was no police or national guard presence?
If the rule of law still exists, then Rittenhouse is guilty of vigilantiism. If it didn't, then Rittenhouse is a hero and I do understand that that is pretty much what the Pro Rittenhouse crowd is saying however because I am of the belief that the rule of law did still exist even though it may not have looked like it at the time, two wrongs don't make a right. However if the rule of law didn't exist, then whoever wins becomes the new law maker anyway so history can never judge them wrongly, LoL!
Thankfully your not in charge.


Veteran Expediter
The difference between rittenhouse and that kid in oxford,mi is acted in self defense the other went on a rampage killing defenseless kids.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
This story to me was always about whether it was self defense and also why charges were brought against him in the first place. The former: overwhelming evidence through witness accounts and video that it was self defense. The latter: pure woke politics to appease the mob. Their attempt to pervert the legal system with this trial failed and went down in flames in epic fashion.
Just a small victory for the self defense crowd though. Good thing there were multiple videos to seal the deal.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Bottom line, criminally responsible or not, one thing is very clear.
It's very clear that the great majority who participated in this thread support vigilantiism, that's for sure, LoL!
I think the mitigating factor in all of this that i support is self defense from great bodily harm or worse. And he didn’t use it until the last moment too after running away from multiple confrontations.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
This sounds like a PR stunt directed by his handlers or his therapist. The gun was the inanimate object with which he defended his life. But if it brings back bad memories, then getting rid of it would have some therapeutic value. Maybe he'll burn the clothes he was wearing that night as well.

However, let's not forget that behind the scenes he's going through a rehab of his image that will be necessary for him to survive going forward. He may even have to change his name and move to some remote whistle-stop out West just to be safe. Meanwhile there's no doubt that a team of high-priced lawyers are preparing to sue the pants off of several networks and individuals who slandered him and defamed his character before and during the trial that established his innocence. Maybe he and Nick Sandman will be golfing buddies one day.
Agree. He will have to can the idea of going to college in person and as well as living in heavily populated area. Deep six the notion of working in a high profile job like a nurse at a hospital. He should change his name and alter his appearance. While his lawyers are working on his monetary fortune, he should consider working a low key job in a factory or become a welder. Maybe in a few years this incident and case will get memory holed quite a bit and then he could become a nurse if he wants.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Funny thing is, if he was found guilty, you "rights" nuts would have been
You quoted me and now you're using the word "you" a lot, so it sure seems like you're addressing me personally instead of what I wrote. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that's probably a mistake. Inching out further, oh, it's definitely a mistake.
even though it's very clear that he was acting like a vigilante (and he even lied as to his reasons for being there, a lie conveniently not answered for even though I have mentioned it here numerous times),
Yes, you have mentioned it here numerous times. Not quite enough to be classified as trolling, albeit very close, but certainly enough times to be a tale tell sign that your only arguments are emotional arguments, rather than logical, factual, or rational. Not to put too fine a point on it, but that's how liberal democrats think - with emotions, as facts don't matter.
so regardless if the trial is over or not, had it not gone your way I could just see all the hand wringing and crying going on and this thread would never die like you think it should until a retrial did go your way.
My way? Had you been paying attention instead of being emotionally clouded, you would have read what I thought the outcome would be, and that I have no emotional investment whatsoever in the Rittenhouse case. My opinion is, if you go to a large gathering of people where rioting and looting and destruction is likely to occur, you're stupid, and you're playing stupid games just to win stupid prizes. That goes for Rittenhouse and every other person who was present.
You only want it to die because in your mind you won
OK, you can be a f'ing moron if you like and try and read Kyle Rittenhouse's mind, but you don't get to be a f'ing moron and try and read mine here in public in these forums. Especially since I've already plainly stated, unequivocally, why I think this thread should die. For the intellectually challenged, the explicit reason this thread should die is because it long ago ceased to be a thread about the Rittenhouse case and instead became a forum for off-topic personal attacks against other EO members and ideological groups.

I've given you several warnings, both subtle and not so subtle, and even stated openly that you have been given some extra slack solely because you are a Charter Member. And yet still, you are unable to control yourself and act in a civil manner on these forums. For all of that, plus your breathtaking failure, and hubris, at thinking you can tell me what I think, you have won your own stupid prize, a 30-day all expenses paid vacation in any padded internet cell of your choosing.
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