It worked in Russia,1934Chicago Tribune


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
Sure looks like the "Obama Plan" to me.

It sure does and that was 1934, go figure, what in snell are we thinking in this country, maybe we should dismantle( vote out all existing House and Senate people and start over, IMHO. No one knows what they are doing anyway, and , and cut all existing pay scales by one half, and no one keeps a job there over 4 years period, no lifers, of course all of this is MHO>:eek:


Veteran Expediter
Wow many of you need to really get a grip on history.

Start with "The Forgotten Man" by Amity Shlaes and learn the context of that political cartoon. Get to know who and what went on with a clear understanding of why it was possible for those cartoons to appear and the hatred - I mean real hatred - for FDR formed in a few short years.

Is this like Obama?

NOPE it isn't but the divisive idiocy will lead us there.

Unless we don't demand changes from our congress and don't demand the states start b*tching about what's going on, we will end up in a planned economy and worse yet have both those parties ensuring they are controlling us.