never in the history of elections has the party not in the white house this early said we have one person that the party as a whole is backing.I dont really think there are as many republicans as people want the country as a whole to think that there is no one that is electable in the feild yet.
so in this feild of unelectable people the republican party should just pick one and get it over with.with out really giving the people the time to see what the people running are really about and what their voting records really show.
thats like many people on the left and the man him self saying trump is a republican.lets take a look at MR.TRUMP he gets this whole birther thing all fired up again when most republican think Obama is a american.all the while drawing very bad press for the right.yes there are some people that belive it nut hey thats their right.then there is his tv show its on N.B.C. the largest left wing media outlet there is. but it goes deeper then that take a look who OWNS most of NBC well that would be G.E. and who is a top Obama adviser Jeffery Immelt the CEO of GE.Now really do you really think that NBC is giong to be paying a guy millions of dollars a year if he stand against everything they stand for.
then of course there is always trumps campaign donations.yes he has givin money to republicans yet most of the money and for the longest time it has gone to democrats.and not just the ones from his home state.Harry reid,Rahm emanuel,Hillary clinton,John kerry,Charles rangel,Charles schunmer just to name a few.dont really see any friends in them to the republican i guess the left is right we should just pick a person and be done with it.we should stop selecting the person to run on the republican ticket the way its always been done.
its funny how the guy raising the most money is the guy saying he is for the poor and the needy.yet the poor and the needy are the ones saying they cant pay their where is all that money coming from.Oh thats right the super rich and ubber wealthy you know the ones that dont pay their fair share of taxes,the ones that the republicans love and are in the pockets of. you know the ones that the left says they are against.just one more reason why you gotta love the left.