Veteran Expediter
It is a matter of National Security..........
LOL, bet those shying on the icebergs get a chilie reception..... I guess these are "Terrorist Icebergs!"..No that can't be, barry and Janet "Incompatano"..said we can't use that word any more... there aren't any "terrorist or acts of "terrorism".....just
CIA Resources Diverted to Climate Change
Written by The National Center for Public Policy Research Thursday, 07 January 2010 06:49
Spying on Icebergs Instead of Terrorists?
Obama Program Diverts Intelligence Assets to Climate Research
LOL, bet those shying on the icebergs get a chilie reception..... I guess these are "Terrorist Icebergs!"..No that can't be, barry and Janet "Incompatano"..said we can't use that word any more... there aren't any "terrorist or acts of "terrorism".....just
CIA Resources Diverted to Climate Change
Written by The National Center for Public Policy Research Thursday, 07 January 2010 06:49
Spying on Icebergs Instead of Terrorists?
Obama Program Diverts Intelligence Assets to Climate Research
New York, NY: As terrorists continue to infiltrate America, the Obama Administration is tasking some of our nation's most elite intelligence-gathering agencies to divert their resources to environmental scientists researching global warming.
Experts with The National Center for Public Policy Research are decrying this practice as a distraction from important counterterrorism duties. They further question if it a possible avenue to renew climate change subterfuge already plaguing some of these scientists.
"This is another example of President Obama not taking terrorism seriously," said Deneen Borelli, a fellow with the National Center's Project 21 black leadership network. "Our enemies must be laughing at the Obama Administration's incompetence."
A January 5 article in the New York Times reported that the White House restarted a program in which scientists are obtaining classified intelligence data from the Central Intelligence Agency and National Reconnaissance Office. Information from these secret government surveillance programs is being used to track climate change.
A similar program was discontinued by the Bush Administration in 2001. Former vice president and current climate change entrepreneur Al Gore began lobbying for its renewal in 2008. It now reportedly has the strong support of CIA Director Leon Panetta.
"Given the very real threat posed by terrorists, it is ridiculous and downright dangerous to divert any intelligence resources to monitoring polar ice," added Project 21's Deneen Borelli. "Its said this won't hinder regular intelligence-gathering, but it's also clear that agencies can't yet share data and track a terrorism suspect who was identified by his own father. It's unwise to further distract our intelligence network by forcing it to consult with scientists about icebergs, polar bears and sea lions. The Obama Administration appears to be putting a left-wing political agenda before the safety and security of our nation."
Speaking on the involvement of Al Gore, Tom Borelli, Ph.D., director of the National Center's Free Enterprise Project, noted: "If anything, Al Gore is the real national security threat. Gore's climate change fear mongering, which lines his own pockets with cash, has stoked a war against the fossil fuels so vital to our nation's economic prosperity and national security. His self-serving agenda is stymieing domestic energy exploration and production efforts. Now, he successfully lobbied to resurrect this diversion of our intelligence assets after the Bush Administration wisely ended it."
The claims of some scientists are already suspect after the Climategate scandal. Tom Borelli pointed out: "We've already seen climate scientists discussing the idea of destroying raw data to preserve climate change models that may be seriously flawed, and then it turns out that very same sort of data was allegedly 'lost.' How can we trust them to not behave similarly with CIA data - such as denying the proper peer review under the guise that the data is secret? The real question is: who's going to be watching the scientists?"
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