It is a matter od National Security..........


Veteran Expediter
It is a matter of National Security..........

LOL, bet those shying on the icebergs get a chilie reception.....:D I guess these are "Terrorist Icebergs!"..No that can't be, barry and Janet "Incompatano"..said we can't use that word any more... there aren't any "terrorist or acts of "terrorism".....just

CIA Resources Diverted to Climate Change

Written by The National Center for Public Policy Research Thursday, 07 January 2010 06:49

Spying on Icebergs Instead of Terrorists?

Obama Program Diverts Intelligence Assets to Climate Research

New York, NY: As terrorists continue to infiltrate America, the Obama Administration is tasking some of our nation's most elite intelligence-gathering agencies to divert their resources to environmental scientists researching global warming.

Experts with The National Center for Public Policy Research are decrying this practice as a distraction from important counterterrorism duties. They further question if it a possible avenue to renew climate change subterfuge already plaguing some of these scientists.

"This is another example of President Obama not taking terrorism seriously," said Deneen Borelli, a fellow with the National Center's Project 21 black leadership network. "Our enemies must be laughing at the Obama Administration's incompetence."

A January 5 article in the New York Times reported that the White House restarted a program in which scientists are obtaining classified intelligence data from the Central Intelligence Agency and National Reconnaissance Office. Information from these secret government surveillance programs is being used to track climate change.

A similar program was discontinued by the Bush Administration in 2001. Former vice president and current climate change entrepreneur Al Gore began lobbying for its renewal in 2008. It now reportedly has the strong support of CIA Director Leon Panetta.

"Given the very real threat posed by terrorists, it is ridiculous and downright dangerous to divert any intelligence resources to monitoring polar ice," added Project 21's Deneen Borelli. "Its said this won't hinder regular intelligence-gathering, but it's also clear that agencies can't yet share data and track a terrorism suspect who was identified by his own father. It's unwise to further distract our intelligence network by forcing it to consult with scientists about icebergs, polar bears and sea lions. The Obama Administration appears to be putting a left-wing political agenda before the safety and security of our nation."

Speaking on the involvement of Al Gore, Tom Borelli, Ph.D., director of the National Center's Free Enterprise Project, noted: "If anything, Al Gore is the real national security threat. Gore's climate change fear mongering, which lines his own pockets with cash, has stoked a war against the fossil fuels so vital to our nation's economic prosperity and national security. His self-serving agenda is stymieing domestic energy exploration and production efforts. Now, he successfully lobbied to resurrect this diversion of our intelligence assets after the Bush Administration wisely ended it."

The claims of some scientists are already suspect after the Climategate scandal. Tom Borelli pointed out: "We've already seen climate scientists discussing the idea of destroying raw data to preserve climate change models that may be seriously flawed, and then it turns out that very same sort of data was allegedly 'lost.' How can we trust them to not behave similarly with CIA data - such as denying the proper peer review under the guise that the data is secret? The real question is: who's going to be watching the scientists?"
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Retired Expediter
Sounds like a stupid thing they are critizing...they are prolly just asking for unclassified satelite pictures and no more...gee whiz..picky picky...

example of stupidity on part of critics...

"It's unwise to further distract our intelligence network by forcing it to consult with scientists about icebergs, polar bears and sea lions."


Retired Expediter
*LOL* I just had to comeback and comment...I'm beside myself with the stupidity of the critics on this...

We spend Billions of dollars on intel and some of it is useless stuff like arctic pictures of no value for the CIA...
it is cost effective to share that info with another department....Lord knows they share stuff with other agencies already..

My gawd what a useless article...:D


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Our photo birds are not on taking pictures 24/7. They are very expensive to use. They are not normally imagining when they are not over specific targets. It is very expensive to re-target them and not all that easy.

It can take days meetings to get all parties involved with those resources to agree to give up their target time to re-target a bird for another purpose. Keep in mind that none of the itell birds are controlled by the intell agencies. There is yet another group that controls them.

There are not now, and never have been, even close to enough overhead resources up at any given time to do every job required of them. Diverting them for silly reasons, like global warming, would be silly.

It is not only bird time, somebody has to be taken off of an important job to process that imagery to make it available for use. You just don't take the flim down to a one hour photo lab.

Assuming that this artical is correct it would just be more proof that Obama has no clue in the world what he is doing. As if we needed anymore.


Veteran Expediter
Sounds like a stupid thing they are critizing...they are prolly just asking for unclassified satelite pictures and no more...gee whiz..picky picky...

example of stupidity on part of critics...

"It's unwise to further distract our intelligence network by forcing it to consult with scientists about icebergs, polar bears and sea lions."

Well not really all that stupid. They are repositioning the Intel Satellites so that they can track Icebergs (This not the first administration to do it). While I doubt that it will have any real affect on our security, there is at least one Congresswoman who feels that it was done for National Security reasons. I can't find the video that I saw yesterday she said that it was very important because it would predict for us the migratory paths that our enemies will take. And that is when she should have been pushed down a flight of stairs.
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Veteran Expediter
We have spent billions on NASA, on NOAA and on other climate related programs and groups and to expect to use a resource like the CIA for this proves to me we need to start cutting back on the NASA and NOAA budgets right away because they are not doing their jobs.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well not really all that stupid. They are repositioning the Intel Satellites so that they can track Icebergs (This not the first administration to do it). While I doubt that it will have any real affect on our security, there is at least one Congresswoman who feels that it was done for National Security reasons. I can't find the video that I saw yesterday she said that it was very important because it would predict for us the migratory paths that our enemies will take. And that is when she should have been pushed down a flight of stairs.

Sorry Jim, but I am going to have to not agree with you on this one. There are more than enough non-itell resources out there to track ice bergs. Even a minor repositioning takes days, except in an extreme emergency, and always has heavy costs. Those costs include large sums of money,and more importantly, loss of time over far more important intell targets.

It would be far cheaper and better for the economy to pay Google earth to track the ice. Create some private sector jobs.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I have posted the link of the group that controls our overhead resources, it is a little known group compared to the CIA or NSA but have tremendous power in the itell community. Their "situation" room is located several hundred feet below ground in one of those famous government "areas" (not area 51). It is really a cool place, staffed 24/7-365. Reps from all the intell agencies are always there as well as reps from the military and political leadership. Some the the meetings are often attended by very high ranking government officials. They also can get very heated at times when they are moving resources. There are never enough resources and one group can get really upset if they lose their "time on the bird" for what they see as silly or less important reason they they have. Like tracking ice. I would not have wanted to be the government rep that put that priority on the table. Whew, I can only imagine the "stuff" that would have been heaped on he head.

:: Welcome to the National Reconnaissance Office ::


Veteran Expediter
Sorry Jim, but I am going to have to not agree with you on this one. There are more than enough non-itell resources out there to track ice bergs. Even a minor repositioning takes days, except in an extreme emergency, and always has heavy costs. Those costs include large sums of money,and more importantly, loss of time over far more important intell targets.

It would be far cheaper and better for the economy to pay Google earth to track the ice. Create some private sector jobs.

I can live with that so long as you don't disagree with the rest of my statement.

And that is when she should have been pushed down a flight of stairs.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Not at all Jim, I take the "slinky" approach to politicians. They have little real use but it sure puts a smile on your face when you push them down the stairs!!! An old joke to be sure but still very funny!! :D


Retired Expediter
Ok I've said this before and here it is again...and it so obvious both Canada and the US should take see it all the time...

Say a vehicle with 3 people comes into the US all their paperwork in valid...

Later same vehicle leaves the US....comes to Canada there is only 2 people on board...
Where is that third person? Unaccounted for...
neither side works together on this obvious loophole.


Veteran Expediter
Ok I've said this before and here it is again...and it so obvious both Canada and the US should take see it all the time...

Say a vehicle with 3 people comes into the US all their paperwork in valid...

Later same vehicle leaves the US....comes to Canada there is only 2 people on board...
Where is that third person? Unaccounted for...
neither side works together on this obvious loophole.

I can completely understand someone, heck anyone not wanting to return to that god forsaken Country known as Canada.:rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The problem you state is real and needs worked on for sure but it is not related to the diversion of overhead photo/imagery resource to tracking ice. Those resources are not used to track cars or people. Most, not all, of that work is done by different "Ints". Like "HUMINT" and "COMINT" (human intell and communications intell). Overhead imagery is not fast enough to respond to that type of work. It is far more suited to tracking slow moving targets, like ships or fixed targets like nuke plants or missile sites.


Retired Expediter
Not really subject matter but since I am not a citizen and unders security scrutiny...

To get my SD drivers license get this double talk I need...

An Unexpired permanent resident card!!! Their wording not mine!!*LOL*

Now when does "permanent" expire???*LOL*


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Not really subject matter but since I am not a citizen and unders security scrutiny...

To get my SD drivers license get this double talk I need...

An Unexpired permanent resident card!!! Their wording not mine!!*LOL*

Now when does "permanent" expire???*LOL*

Now OVM, don't tell me that you don't speak "governmenteese". That just means that you have a permanent residents card and have not died yet. Therefore you are "unexpired". LOL!!! :D


Retired Expediter
Now OVM, don't tell me that you don't speak "governmenteese". That just means that you have a permanent residents card and have not died yet. Therefore you are "unexpired". LOL!!! :D

I was at the county office getting my tags renewed and they had this bulletin on the counter...had a bit of a chuckle over it...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There is nothing else you can do but laugh at government. After all, is not being a joke their primary job? :rolleyes:


Retired Expediter
There is nothing else you can do but laugh at government. After all, is not being a joke their primary job? :rolleyes:
And the directive comes from the DHS...goes to show just how they think...

Gotta go for shower...smelling like a 50 cent hooker on a hot summers night on Van :censoredsign:.....Be back soon!!!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
We be gone for a bit too, although I cannot relate to what you smell like. Whew, don't think I want too either!! We are headed off for a truck wash and re-stock supplies at a Wally World.

The truck has to look "spiffy" for Monday, we have one of them thar "fancy loads" where they expect a clean truck.

Later gater.