At it again?
Yup, what can I say. I love playing BlackJack
About a week ago, for some reason a question popped in my head, that I never thought about before with my favorite casino game.
Why is it called BlackJack?
There is nothing special about getting a Black Jack. Why not RedKing, etc.
Why Is Blackjack Called Blackjack?
Chances are even if you play blackjack, you haven’t given much thought to why it’s called blackjack. Here’s why.
When “21” came to America, gambling halls needed a way to promote the game. They offered bonus payouts, including one that paid extra if a black jack (a jack of either spades or clubs) was dealt along with an ace of spades.
As the game became more popular (it’s the most popular casino card game in the world), the bonus payouts became less common and the informal name was the one that stuck, blackjack.
---I guess that answers my question
Pretty good outing today.
I'm not sure which was more amazing.
Getting 3 BlackJacks in a row, or walking away when I was up $630

Who am I'm kidding, not giving it all back is more amazing