When I get offered a load I do the same thing as layoutshooter.I add the empty and loaded miles together and divide that total into the total load pay..If it is below what I like to make per mile,I ask if there is any room for adjustment on pay to bring this up.You'd be surprised how many times it has actually worked to my advantage.As far as cheap freight rates being offered to me, I have always heard the reply from a dispacher"well, at least youre moving" too many times.alot of distatchers really dont have a clue as to how much it costs to maintain and operate a truck.Not too long ago I hauled a load for a expediting company.While delivering to the paying customers house on a saturday,we got to talking and he asked me what I got paid on this load.He was a driver as well, so we could relate.(I usually don't discuss my pay with anyone else)So I told him, and he says,"Come into my office, I want you to see this".He showed me the bill on the computer for the load, and he was being charged $2.70 a mile.So I dont believe half of this garbage about low-paying rates that dispatchers are telling me.I think companies are paying us less to compensate for the lack of freight.But, of course, this is all my opinion.