One thing about this business is that if you want the money, you have to show you are worth it and THAT YOU WANT THE MONEY! This means doing the job right, fast, efficiently and making sure dispatch knows you did it right on time and are ready to go. I tell all the new guys I meet that they have to show they want the money and they will receive, but many are too nice and don't want to step on toes or be a pest or whatever.
If you don't communicate then you are out of of sight and out of mind (to many dispatchers).
I inform dispatch when I'm coming into an area and again when I've stopped and the location. Now I'm in their mind fresh before I hit the area and after I'm in it. They know I'm around and available and it does help.
One other thing I do is take care of problem calls. Ones that someone screwed up, brokedown whatever, I go fixit and fast. I therefore get calls that maybe someone else should get, but they want it right and no problems!
Been doing it this way for years and for the most part it works as I'm usually in the top 5 earners.
Rob Fis