I wasn't referring to welfare, I was referring to SS. I know i'm off topic and I will get back on topic after I send this!
Well Actually I was too. I don't see this as an off topic issue because it is just the same - an entitlement that is used to pay people not to work.
I too am paying for public schools and all my kids are out of school and working.
Well I haven't and I am offended by the idea that I have to pay for someone else's kid going to school on my dime, the same as many are offended by the use of tax money that they and 185 million people pay going into the welfare system.
I have never asked or received any type of Govt. assistance and refuse to do so, BUT, I am one year away from that magical age where i can start recouping some of the money I paid into SS, even though I will only get about half of what they say should be my monthly SS payment because I am on a different retirement system therefore I get penalized even though I've been paying into SS for around 45 years.
BUT see the entire point of my post is simple - you are not entitled to a single dime of that money and to think you are, you are part of the same problem we have with almost this entire country - we don't give a crap about anyone else but themselves and how dare someone take from them.
Is that Fair to just up and steal it? Nope. Sorry greg, I just can't go for doing away with SS. Maybe if they would stop taking SS out of the younger peoples pay checks and start to phase it out that way, but not for the people who have paid into it.
Steal what?
No one makes you work, no one tells you that you can't move to say Canada or Mexico so yep many regard it as stealing. The system isn't fair, so if we want to change it ... actually we need to change it, we all have to be on the same page and work towards changing it - not crying about 'i put into it, so i deserve' as the aarp generation has done for so long.
The money stolen from you in the Ponzi Scheme called social security is gone. Sorry. That you were mugged doesn't entitle you to mug the next guy, even if someone lied to you and told you you could.
Even though this is a very good and simple point, many do not want to come to grips with the collapse of the system where there won't be a dime for it.
IF we get a balanced budget amendment, or anything like that, these entitlement programs have to be on the list of balancing which means they can not be a hidden problem any more and a solution has to be formed and used to save it.
People on welfare are using other people's money. Those who earn that money have a right to know how their wages are being used. If a person on welfare is using that money for things that are NOT needed to maintain life, then they should lose the funding.
So you support Social Security too with that position?
It is the same thing, using other people's money to fund their monthly check.
I should also add that if someone can afford not to take Social Security, they shouldn't be on it - maybe thats unpatriotic.
Those are not wages, get rid of that idea, this is not the 19th century. Those are taxes which we all pay in one form of another.
This is why I am opposed to government's playing Robin Hood. I want to choose what charities I provide funding for. I will contribute to those as I can AFFORD to do so. IF I choose not too, that is my CHOICE. That is freedom, what we have now is not. My tax burden is rapidly getting to the point where it is going to interfere with my ability to provide for my own responsibilities.
Sorry if you feel that way so become more politically active and stop worrying about birds, swamps and the state. People first, birds second.
See the choice is the problem, like that new outfit for hunting buy it instead of giving to a family who has hit rock bottom, bad choice. Give to a charity that helps screw with property rights but don't buy a weeks worth of food for a family who can't get food stamps.
You want to lessen the burden of taxes, then start with not taking a social security check so the money is not taken from someone else, and make sure others do that too.
Stop thinking about choice, don't think the choice is the freedom when it isn't - either you pay now with your labor in doing something for the community or you pay later.
You know this is also not off topic but in another thread there is a discussion about selective service and it is a great idea that I think Turtle posted - everyone give 2 years of service to the country with NO exceptions (I added the last part). Maybe this is what we really need, it seems to work in other countries.