Is there something wrong here?


Veteran Expediter
I read Saturday that GM really isn’t having real problems like Ford, mostly a market share problem and cash flow. The article (Detroit news or Freepress – can’t remember) was talking about how GM is ahead of Ford and the Chrysler group.

They lay off 500 white collar workers, who can’t complain about anything. Some were interviewed and they all said that they get to keep the company car for the month and I heard what their severance contains from one GM employee, not to mention a ‘promise’ from our great governor to get them more work – yea right! Like they will hurt from this and will get a job quickly with all the help.

Now the Bush administration decided to raise the CAFÉ standard on SUVs and pickups, about time! But they are crying here saying it will raise the cost of an SUV or pickup by $4000 and drive them out of business – why can the other manufactures do this without raising the price 15%?

So today I almost drove off the road when GM announced that they will build a plant in Mexico – investing $600 million.

Ok GM is laying off people, closing plants and now building a plant in Mexico?

Is there something wrong here? I thought that they had cash flow problems?

What’s next, shipping parts through the mail at bulk rate?

tom tinker

Expert Expediter
Your so right!!!!! Back when the clothing industry jobs were bing given away. I started saying, Americans are the biggest consumers of goods in the world. With the higher standard of living,and better pay. Pretty much gone. WHO will be buying high priced items??? Low paying foreign workers??? Watch Lou Dobbs he hits nail on the head.
First generation being worse off then the one before.
OH how about lost taxes our leaders won't have to throw away.
:'( x( not ment to be funny this hurts. No April fools on this.
Sincerely Tom


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
GM still has enough cash to cover its short term notes. After 2008 it is problematic as to whether they will be able to or not.... It never ceases to amaze me that working people are asked to make most of the economic sacrifices to reverse the fortunes of a mismanaged company such as GM and US Air while "management" continues to pull in excessive compensation year after year. An article I read recently stated that the management at Delphi Automotive wanted to reduce wages from $27 an hour to $12.50 per hour by 2008. The issue is not whether these workers earn or deserve that kind of money (plus benefits and pensions), but rather should not upper management also participate in the economic pain? The list of major corporations that have rewarded CEOs and their cronies excessively, while destroying shareholder value,and ruining the lives of working people and small investors is staggering: Disney, Tyco, Enron, etc. to name just a few.

That great sucking sound you hear is thousands of jobs vanishing from the United States. (H. Ross Perot)




Veteran Expediter
Well in the case of Delphi, I know that their push is complete overseas operation. Eliminations of 21 of the 29 plants here in the US, termination of the labor contracts and the contracts that they deem non profitable with GM and Ford and the issue of reduction of wages to a level far below that of a 1950 (with adjustments) autoworker all point to a serious problem with their attitude.

I side with Gettlefinger (UAW) on the Delphi issue and if the courts decide to nullify the UAW contracts and if they strike – I will support the strike and hope that Delphi gets split up. I really don’t like the attitude of the management of Delphi and was rather insulted by the CEO saying that $12/hourjobs are the norm in the country while he defers his compensation into a non tax status.


Veteran Expediter
So, when $12 an hr jobs are the norm, without any pension, (companies are reneging on them every day now), and not much hope for Social Security, (the federal govt raided the surplus to make up for the tax breaks to corporations & wealthy citizens, and to help pay the obscenely expensive cost of war), and the state govts are required to make up the for the ever increasing cuts in funding from the federal govt, so they have to get creative: higher fees for everything, higher taxes on cigarettes, higher tolls, (or just selling the toll roads), higher traffic enforcement with fines, "pay to play" school programs, (including driver's ed), encouraging utilities to pass on to customers the costs of poor decisions years ago, billing uninsured people for ambulance service, etc, etc, etc, and the schools are constantly needing to raise property taxes, higher education, libraries, mental health services are all cut even more, affordable housing is an oxymoron, health insurance & medical/dental care are out of reach for way too many people who work for a living, why is our President's number one priority sending our precious young men off to die, in order to export democracy?


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
Strange as it sounds, Ross Perot had a clearer vision than alot of politicians today.

21 years
EO moderator


Expert Expediter
I'm scard to death in what I'm seeing, this country is falling apart.

We are losing our manufacturing jobs at a record pace to Mexico, and our Government is selling American property to foreign country's and
the President is involved in the petroleum Industry and also has interest in Halliburton who is rebuilding Irac. Talk about conflict of interest a man who is supposed to represent our country but is involved in company's who is ripping off the American People.

Our Government spends billions of dollars dropping bomb's all over the world, but cannot help rebuild homes & bridges down south where they were hit by katrina last summer. Now I have heard on TV the red cross is being accused of ripping off money etc that never made it to the people who needed the help. I have seen hundreds of new Mobil homes sitting in large lots that has supposed to be given to the poor People who lost everything and they still live in ruins.

It's funny we are supposed to be the richest Country in the world, but clearly the poorest in the way it takes care of it's own people.

What really sucks is People who receive social security they have to pay tax on that money as it is considered income. Also they have to pay for prescription drugs plans. Why even bother to do anything at all you just end up with nothing in the end. I dont want to hear any crap about how or why the system exists.

(Here is my biggest problem I see)
Lets let another 10 million Mexican People wonder into our Country to put a burdon on our trillion dollar national debt. They walk into Canada they become criminals. I imagine most Canadian People must look across the water and just think how crazy America has become.

Garman x( x(


Expert Expediter
Hi well i saw on FOX News that GM pays an employee on the assbemly line including benefits an pension that worker makes approx $175 an hour,That is whats wrong with this country no company can afford to pay that very long.


Expert Expediter
>Hi well i saw on FOX News that GM pays an employee on the
>assbemly line including benefits an pension that worker
>makes approx $175 an hour,That is whats wrong with this
>country no company can afford to pay that very long.
I hope that is a mis-quote, 175.00 an hour includes benefits.. Wow.. talk about mismanagement, I can see where the companies would want to invest in another country, only if they treat them with respect. What I mean is a fair wage, not $ 5.00 a day. If we were paid that wage, I would be on the streets waving a white flag. Secure the border, enforce the laws.


Expert Expediter
cherri,, you make want to pinch those cheeks and say aawwe "isnt she so cute when she says those things" ... the big three does not compete with each other any more ...Icant say this enough !!! china dont care whtat the unions cry about here .. they can sell to other growing 3rd world markets..they do not have to play by any of our rules..Venezuela.. does not need to sell us oil They too can sell to other growing 3rd world countries..There is a big world who have come to play ball.. and the union wants to sit and pout on the bench.. THE WORLD DONT CARE ABOUT THE UAW.. GM is like the aging over weight boxing champion who is fighting the young up and coming buck.. he's way to slow not ..flexable and wont stop eating at the buffet.. let gm die .. let ford ..let delta die and burry old selfish union ideas with it... someone else will do it smarter,better and treat the employs (THE ones that deserve it) better they will be more profitable. And when you are through dreaming cherri.. wake up and lets enjoy a little spooning ..ahe }>


Expert Expediter
It sounds like a lot of people are fed-up with the way we all are being ripped off, my question is where will it end?

I totally agree about union glut & greed, now we are in the world market and we are so out dated in the way our American Auto company's conduct it's business or is it the union people who have driven them away to foreign country's to maintain their glut & greed.



Veteran Expediter
>It sounds like a lot of people are fed-up with the way we
>all are being ripped off, my question is where will it end?
>I totally agree about union glut & greed, now we are in the
>world market and we are so out dated in the way our American
>Auto company's conduct it's business or is it the union
>people who have driven them away to foreign country's to
>maintain their glut & greed.

This is not a world market problem but a domestic problem created by the only two domestic cars companiens themselves. They seem to compete in the other markets where these same manufactures are competing against them but lack any marketable products for the US market unless someone wants a retread of cars past or a large SUV - they are not listening to anyone but their bought critics and their own marketers.

Since I started this thread I have seen more of the 'green' marketing, mostly about E85 compatible vehicles which I have to ask GM and Ford why isn't every one of your products with this feature, why do I have to order it? Green - far from it. So here we have them trying to fool the US market again.

Oh GM is still doing better than the say and Bill Ford made pretty good money in 2005, unlike others who say I will work for $1, he made $13M plus - so much for leadership.