Veteran Expediter
To the Staff, I see all is locked up again. I would like the real answer to the question. Is this for press releases and Advertising? THawk made a good point before that thread was locked. I have asked the question before and am still wondering. I have two trucks and have nothing at all to advertise but when I need a driver I go to the Free Class. and when other stories are done they go in a Mag. We can all get the subscript. and read those things. It seems that this forum should be for drivers, owner.ops. and small fleets to ask others questions or to help others answer their questions. When that type of thing goes on this is very helpful. I did send my congrats to Steve on that POST and in an email but did that belong on here? These are not meant to be fighting words, I am looking for clarification. If they are taken as fighting words go to 19. 
The Owner who once went by RACEMAN but due to the outcome of the Nextel Cup, am now just 6.
The Owner who once went by RACEMAN but due to the outcome of the Nextel Cup, am now just 6.