Is there a good answer


Veteran Expediter
To the Staff, I see all is locked up again. I would like the real answer to the question. Is this for press releases and Advertising? THawk made a good point before that thread was locked. I have asked the question before and am still wondering. I have two trucks and have nothing at all to advertise but when I need a driver I go to the Free Class. and when other stories are done they go in a Mag. We can all get the subscript. and read those things. It seems that this forum should be for drivers, owner.ops. and small fleets to ask others questions or to help others answer their questions. When that type of thing goes on this is very helpful. I did send my congrats to Steve on that POST and in an email but did that belong on here? These are not meant to be fighting words, I am looking for clarification. If they are taken as fighting words go to 19. :)

The Owner who once went by RACEMAN but due to the outcome of the Nextel Cup, am now just 6.


Expert Expediter
Sharing is what I was told would be done on this site. I was taken by the announcement message but I assumed it must be allowed. I joined in order to watch and read what others where doing so I can continue my quest towards getting a bigger truck and going over the road. I do local driving now and heard if I took part in this site I could learn almost all I would need to make a decision about my truck purchase. It appears as I stated before that you are worse than CB 19. What forum do I go to just to learn about the business and the trucks? I really do not need to know about who is getting a promotion. I was told I could read about the business and the trucks and that there were people on here that do what I am doing. I can call the companies. Please tell me if I am in the right place. If not I can continue to talk with others as I have been doing and my time will be better spent.



Veteran Expediter
This is a very good site when not out of control with what you call CB Chat. You can read and take part in Truck Talk and the Newbies forums. I asked the above question because I too just want some sharing now and then. Don't let the garbage get to you. Do not take part in it and just ask your own questions and read what topics meet your needs. There are some very good people on here and they sooner or later will answer you. Just read what you think fits you and bypass the rest. It is like the CB in that respect. You respond only to what you want to and turn it off it starts getting under your skin. Stick with it there are very helpful and lots of experience.

The Owner who once went by RACEMAN but due to the outcome of the Nextel Cup, am now just 6.


Veteran Expediter
CN, you are in the right place. Usually, it is where you can find info pertaining to the expedite lifestyle, truck issues, or anything like that. If you have a topic you'd like to find out about, you can use search to find it. I've used it to look up everything from the 3126 CAT engine to what ppl had to say about this company or that. Chances are, the question you want to ask has come up before. The search function is nice, but it's usually better to get it from fresh voices.



Expert Expediter
Hey 6, I too would like to see the answer to your question. I personally dislike any sort of intervention from mods unless it's truely needed. I am not a fan of censorship in any way. Now having said this I also understand the need to maintain order. These sort of fur balls always sort themselves out in the end. No disrespect intended to any of the mods but I think the gun is jumped more often than not.


There is a mother load of good infor here. Whomever pointed you this way did you a favor. Just ignore what you see as chatter you will still find a lot of GoodStuff[tm] around here. Have a sit down with a cup of coffee and look through the posts both current and old.

Mike N

Faster than a speeding poulet.


Expert Expediter
That is what I was told so I will stick it out. I get tired of OFF/ON with the CB but I will hopefully learn something here which would then make it worth while. I was told by a ex driver about this site. He now finds drivers for a company.Thank you


Expert Expediter
And on the subject of CB's. I despise them and refuse to have one in my truck.

Mike N

Faster than a speeding poulet.


Expert Expediter
that did seem a little rude...people come here to exchange ideas and to be entertained and to learn. There was no profanity, just some mildly heated discussion. Why does someone come along close down the thread w/out even contributing to the conversation first?
Out of the blue the thread is closed, it just seemed odd.


Expert Expediter
< I was told to join this site to learn. I have been on here about two weeks and it is no more than Ch 19 on the CB. It appears I made the wrong move joining up. Why dont you do this over a beer somewhere.
cnl >

Ms. Ledbetter,
I'm sorry to hear that you're not deriving any benefit from the site. I have been on here for a couple months, hardly a day goes by that I don't learn *something* about the business. Granted, I am VERY new to the expediting business, and have no relevant "trucking" experience as you do, driving local and all you do. I have a little database of articles/messages which I have found to be of extreme value to me; so I went back through the forums and did a search for any questions you may have asked that went unanswered. I was going to do a search of the forums and archives in an attempt to perhaps get some relevant information per your query. However, it may be I didn't do a search correctly, but when I searched for your nick as the author, the search results came back with only two messages, the earliest being Jan-01-05, 01:17 PM (EST), quoted in part above. Again, maybe I did something wrong in my search query, but I couldn't find any direct question from you, so I cannot help direct your concerns/questions to anyone whom might be in a position to help.
Good luck with it all, hope you can find the answers to the questions you may ask in the future.
Larry Badger
Plainwell, Michigan


Veteran Expediter
I see her point though. She's looking at content. And if she walks in on bickering, all that she would see in the archives is garbage. Besides... you don't have to ask questions to get answers here.


Veteran Expediter
Thawk, Thanks for being kind. That is or was my daughter. They seemed to kick her off the site for whatever reason. So she will go back to using mine as she had been. I coaxed her in to taking part instead of just reading the items I showed her. Her and her husband run here in town in a cargo van and a step van and they keep talking about doing OTR stuff. They are making better money doing the local stuff plus I do not want her going OTR. She is 27 though and not much I can do about it. I have tried to show her that this is not a very pretty business all the time. So sometimes if my questions seem even less infromed than normal, that may explain it.

The Owner who once went by RACEMAN but due to the outcome of the Nextel Cup, am now just 6.

Doggie Daddy

Veteran Expediter
do you really mean that "they" kicked her offthe site? who is "they". while i thought that she was a little caustic,i did not see anything in her posts that would warrant getting removed from the site. if that's all it takes, then we all should be gone.DD. :(


Veteran Expediter
I would've been gone after yesterday, DD LOL
Can't help it... I call em as I see em. Glad to meet you, daughter of 6 :)

I hope it's just a glitch that she can't get back on, cause I saw nothing that would cause her removal in my mind. Anyways, have fun and learn. Talk to ya later, upside-down 9 :D


Veteran Expediter
I should be clear. I apoligize if I said it wrong. She had used my sign on to start doing as I suggested. Her and her husband do this local in smaller trucks but they continue to talk about getting into this as I am. I think it is a poor idea. I know what they are doing now and I know what they need to make it. They are not ready for more bills etc. She said she was trying to respond to the folks getting on her about being new or no questions. She just said she was dropped and could not get back in. I assumed, Notice I assumed someone kicked her out. She is not not rough but is straight forward. When she tries to talk on the radio everyone starts the typical garbage and that upsets her. I had told her this site was not for the weak and I think that was what she was trying to avoid or prove. I am going to give her the phone numbers of a few of you if that is not a problem. I have been less than helpful and I know that is a shame but she is still my daughter and I can not get past that. If she talks to a few of you and decides to continue I will help her and hope they do well. When I have tried to show her the negitives she thinks I am just saying that to keep her home and safe. I hope those of you that she calls are ok with it. If not I am sorry for passing your number on.

The Owner who once went by RACEMAN but due to the outcome of the Nextel Cup, am now just 6.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
>I should be clear. I apoligize if I said it wrong. She had
>used my sign on to start doing as I suggested. Her and her
>husband do this local in smaller trucks but they continue to
>talk about getting into this as I am. I think it is a poor
>idea. I know what they are doing now and I know what they
>need to make it. They are not ready for more bills etc. She
>said she was trying to respond to the folks getting on her
>about being new or no questions. She just said she was
>dropped and could not get back in. I assumed, Notice I
>assumed someone kicked her out. She is not not rough but is
>straight forward. When she tries to talk on the radio
>everyone starts the typical garbage and that upsets her. I
>had told her this site was not for the weak and I think that
>was what she was trying to avoid or prove. I am going to
>give her the phone numbers of a few of you if that is not a
>problem. I have been less than helpful and I know that is a
>shame but she is still my daughter and I can not get past
>that. If she talks to a few of you and decides to continue I

She wsasn't locked out,the thread was locked.
>will help her and hope they do well. When I have tried to
>show her the negitives she thinks I am just saying that to
>keep her home and safe. I hope those of you that she calls
>are ok with it. If not I am sorry for passing your number
>The Owner who once went by RACEMAN but due to the outcome of
>the Nextel Cup, am now just 6.