I was reading an article that the new changes have not really stopped the bad brokers from preying on vulnerable carriers and owner operators. It has stopped some smaller mom and pop operations fro being able to get into the brokering business, but it has not stopped the fraud. What really needs to happen is that brokers who fail to pay their outside carriers need to be prosecuted for white collar crimes. This new broker bond requirement has been in effect for quite some time now and drivers and carriers are still being ripped off by predatory brokers who then go out of business. Isn't taking company money and using it for personal expenses considered to be embezzlement? Why are these bad actors allowed to continue to do this sort of thing with impunity? If more drivers sued these scum bags, and if there were strict prison sentences imposed on bad brokers, this kind of behavior would become a thing of the past. There was one carrier/broker who took all of his drivers money and started a new business with it and the guy is still free to walk the streets. Why don't our regulators go after the root of the problem? What do you all think about this matter?