US Rep. Paul Ryan doesn't believe IRS commissioner is a truth teller.
Paul Ryan blasts IRS commissioner: 'I don't believe you' - YouTube
Paul Ryan blasts IRS commissioner: 'I don't believe you' - YouTube
When he said not even a smidgen, he must have been referring to the liquidated hard drives .Obama spoke to the charge of IRS corruption some months ago and gave an emphatic "No"
Not even a smidgen: Obama Says "Not Even a Smidgen of Corruption" in IRS Scandal - YouTube
They're isn't a single government agency that is not corrupt on some level. State or federal. The only question is to what degree.
If crap flows downhill, it must start at the capital.And since all crap flows down hill, it all starts in the White House.
If crap flows downhill, it must start at the capital.
Is this place not on capitol hill?Is that not the White House?At least I THOUGHT the White House was the "Crapital"
If they were lost by accident, it is possible that those e-mails are irretrievably lost, simply because the data might have been overwritten. However, if the drives crashed, which is what they claim, then the drives wouldn't have been in continued use and therefore not overwritten. In that case the e-mails are absolutely recoverable. I recovered data from crashed (and burned and exploded) hard drives at the Pentagon after the 911 plane crash there.Is it plausible these emails are irretrievably lost forever?