Well I think his, Obama's, point is that things need to get done and taking time off may not be a good thing because that is what congress always does - take time off.
I missed the part that has the left wing media now includes Fox and Drudge, both seem to be also talking about the same thing - how great it is to have Obama working to resolve this - but NPR, the haven for Liberals seem to have gotten it right as of yesterday - the president's pulpit is not effective in motivating anyone, including the girl scouts.
The thing about the plane being intercepted shows how thick headed our country is, not because our great leader (that's a joke) is relaxing after working so hard picking out golf clubs (that's not a joke) by heading for a weekend of romping through the woods with the secret service in tow but rather the fact that we have more no fly zones in this country than Libya and Iraq combine ever had.
OH I forgot to mention (and I'm not defending him) that unlike congress, the president actually doesn't take a vacation and works 24/7.