Is it the time of year or my location.


Expert Expediter
What gives? Are things seasonally this bad? I've been out for a few days, and I come back, and it seems the freight is gone. I haven't seen a load over 100 miles yet, and all have had an amount of deadhead that could easily be considered excessive. Is this just Michigan, or is everything slow? It seems to me that these mini runs are being bid on just to have something to give the drivers, but I can spend less cash sitting at home right now. Anybody else slow, or had the same experience getting out of MI?


Veteran Expediter
Dieselphreak,its not just you I had the same experience last week while sitting in FLINT, MI all they would offer me was loads going to Canada no miles and even offered me one to Canada at a reduced rate I will not go to Canada at full rate much less a reduced rate.the fuel surcharges have been low and the runs short.I ended up deadheading out of there to FT.WAYNE and the same thing runs of 40 miles deadhead for 80 paid miles .I think i might have set a Panther 2 record last week 14 loads in a row turned down.not proud of that but I will not start my clock with a short run unless they can back it up with something else to keep me running.if they want me to run local I might as well stay home and do that.I would think that if someone lived in MICHIGAN they could stay busy running local and make some money.hopefully they can get me going south I need some southern cooking {cathead biscuit's and gravy} hang in there it has to get better and always keep in mind that every day above ground is a good day be safe MR.SNAPPY


Expert Expediter
I agree with you on the no Canada. In the almost a year I've been here, I have not had one load to Canada that didn't involve major problems. And not with border patrol, but on Panther or the shipper's end. I just don't do it anymore.


Seasoned Expediter
It's slow everywhere it's march 13th and I still havent made a profit this month, part of it is my fault for turning down stuff I shouldn't have but it's better to go out of service then to ruin your numbers like that John.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
I am thinking it may be a slower week in some areas. Prior to Monday, it has been very busy. Maybe because there are more days in the month of March. Calm before the storm?

22 years
EO moderator

simon says

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Ditto- Greg 334. Mi has become a dead zone often enough. There is a ton of competition for less freight. Take a shorty and get out.
If one is strictly waiting on an NLM run, I feel sorry for you. If you run Canada, and your company has freight there, cross over to Windsor and wait for a load.


Seasoned Expediter
I am in Ontario, and it sucks here as well, but 1 thing i do have to say is the more you americans turn down freight heading our way, the better it is for us, well kinda, but i feel your pain, i am getting alot of deadhead and small locals that i have been turning down, these companies just have to start forking out a little bit more, plain and simple.......


Expert Expediter
Hi Phreak,

I was just telling my wife this is the best 1st quarter we have had in 3 years. It seems more like a June to me freight-wise.

As far as Michigan, there are so many vendors to the Big 3 within the state that the possiblity is high that your origin and destination will be in Michigan. That means shorter miles. It used to be if I was anywhere in Michigan I would get out and head to....opening secret freight lanes program.....Warren, Indiana I think it is. It is on I-69 south of Fort Wayne at the Crazy D's truckstop. It puts you on Fort Wayne, Muncie, and Marion.

If you are in western Michigan, the best place to sit is Hastings. It puts you on Battle Creek, Lansing, and Grand Rapids. There is not a truck stop there, just a Walmart. I no longer stage there because I cannot seem to pickup a phone signal for some reason.

I have recently run 7 Canada loads in a row, either in, out, or in-transit. The ACE program seems to be picking up the pace from where it started.

I don't know how long (forget to see if you mentioned) you have been with Panther but once I got the freight lanes down I have had no problem. I know people complain about deadhead, but, I have been running back to back loads non-stop for at least 3 weeks because I will move to where the freight is. Yeah, my costs are less because I am in a cargo van, but I continually run into other van owners who have been sitting for 2 or 3 days waiting for a load. I spent more money for sure in fuel deadheading to a location where I know I can get a load, but I also ran 3 loads during the time they were waiting for their first.

Keep the faith brother, maybe try a new strategy, it might work for you.

Panther O/O
Cargo Van since 11/04


Veteran Expediter
Last week was my worst ever with 610 loaded miles, So far this week I've Doubled it to 1220, But Dropped in Chicago Last Night and for the first time I didn't get a load out.

Owner/Operator since 1979
Expediter since 1997
B Unit Semi Retired
Somedays are Diamonds and Somedays are Stones
Home is Wherever you Park.
The Price of Freedom is Written on the Wall.


Seasoned Expediter
No loads out of Chicago means bad news. I can't sit down and eat without getting a beep on the qualcomm when I hit Chicago, there are never vans there and plenty of Detroit is a nasty scene.


Expert Expediter
Well, I got to IN on a decent load today. I was booked as soon as I was unloaded, on a short, nut well paying run. Maybe the tried and true hotspots are changing.


Veteran Expediter
biggest problem with Michigan,my dad just turned in his grave,the state up north,sorry dad,there is lots more freight going into, than comming a t/t,I havent had very good luck theree in all my years in expediting,even the short time i spent at con-way now,could'nt do good there.when i get load to the state up north,my next stop is home,watch the buckeye,take care of business,#1,florida beat us in football,we will get them in b ball


Veteran Expediter
michigan is terrible right now had 5 load offers all around a 100 miles, had to dh at least 50% to get them and dh after i unloaded.. yesterdat i told them i wanted a load out of state and if it took them 2 weeks to find me one, they they can call me them....load came up in less then 20 minutes from grand rapids to e-town kentucky...imagine that


Veteran Expediter
March has been the worst month for us. We accepted a load FL and were trapped there for a week. Finally got out, and sat for 3 days in MO. We are finally starting to roll again.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
>March has been the worst month for us. We accepted a load
>FL and were trapped there for a week. Finally got out, and
>sat for 3 days in MO. We are finally starting to roll
I would give FL about 24 hours this time of year and either broker a load, or head to SC or GA, where all the freight is located. Never wait a week down there.

22 years
EO moderator


Expert Expediter
My peeps tell me its a little soft ,,but con-way last march was soft .After screaming east coast west cost Jan and Feb..06 best 2 months ever ... picked up in april 06 according to me old books
ERIN GO BRAUGH to the IRISH and a green beer and a soft lady to me


Veteran Expediter

We went from Winter Haven (suggested reposition to Orlando and DH miles)sat for 2 days at a rest area before we moved to a truckstop up near Daytona. Got a run to the Miami area that ended up canceling when we were 18 miles out. Sat for 2 days, now we're farther down in the state, so that's more dead head. Finally got an Empty Atlanta...we get to Gainesville and they hit us with a load.

I keep hearing..."broker your own load out" Whenever we're stuck, we check the boards...but we can only haul about 5000 lbs, so the freight is limited and when we do find something it will be paying 30cpm or some such thing. It wouldn't even pay for the fuel to run it.


Expert Expediter
i hear you ..pelicn, did the same in pheonix for p11, conway gotus of there several times,,so we thought it would not be a problem..4 days at frst out ..igot my big foam hand showing one .got up on the hood waved my big foam hand screamming in frustration..were number one, were number one were number one for about three hours
needless to say securty was called and well get the picture i think we made an agreememnt or something to leave the state.. hadnt been back since...I hope this helps probably didnt ..i just had to talk about it, its helps with closer or something