Is it starting?


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Remember a few years ago, early 90's I think, when some tourist was stabbed and killed on the NYC subway? The Mayor (was it Dinkins?) stated that the stabbing proved we need stronger gun control laws. I'll never forget that one.


Veteran Expediter
Remember a few years ago, early 90's I think, when some tourist was stabbed and killed on the NYC subway? The Mayor (was it Dinkins?) stated that the stabbing proved we need stronger gun control laws. I'll never forget that one.

Turtle... I always admired Bernhard Goetz's approach to subway violence. Remember him?


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Absolutely. After having been robbed and mugged twice before on the subway, he shot four men who were trying to get him a third time. He was found not guilty of attempted murder and assault, but they had to nail him over something, had to make an example out of him, otherwise we'd have this insane rush of people defending themselves, and he was found guilty for criminal possession of an unregistered firearm.

I love his line, to paraphrase, "If you're injured while attempting to commit a crime against me, sorry, not my fault."


Veteran Expediter
But what is the purpose of gun registration anyway?

It is not to deter crime, so why?

I do agree with the idea of background checks and wait periods, that is seeing if the person is a felon or had serious mental problems, not just seeing a therapist. The amazing thing is we can build massive databases that are so interconnected in the private sector but when the government does something like this, it is a clusterf**k and never seems to be right.

Gun registration is the first step, and most important step, to gun confiscation.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
That is soon coming. Be prepared. Obama would give his "left Doodaly" to rid America of the Scurge of Freedom. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Sooo many unconstitutional things are happening and more then a few just this week. All I can say is that no one will even get any info off of any of my guns to register them with anyone. All of the guns, hand and long were all purchased in face to face sales with the person selling acting as a private citizen and that is how it will always be. I sold all of the guns that i had bought that required a NICS call and no longer have them.

As for ammo, a while back, i forget why it came up but i spoke of buying 10,000 rounds of 2,23 ammo in a bulk purchase along with a few other guys at one of the gun clubs i belong to. I was soundly chastized for that kind of talk....well the current situation is why people were and still are doing just that. With the restrictions that will be in put in place by barry and his minions, if you haven't already stocked up on ammo in large amounts, it will now cost you more then it ever has in the past. While the "mutilation of brass" issue has been turned back, you can bet the liberals and the bradies will be working overtime to find ways to limit your ability to get the ammo you need. Stock up while you still can, whenever you find the ammo you need. I stop at gun shops all over the place while i am driving.

As for 2A saying we are entitled to "assault weapons.....if you go back into the Feredalist paper, you will find that the founders believed that the people should have the same weapons that the standing army had...a lack powder musket was the assault weapon of the day...the same that the standing army used, was used and totally legal for the common people to own.....

If one can afford a icbm, only the foolishiness of the government has impeded that, no where is it restricted by the Costitution and the Bill of Rights.....Alot of private contractors own the every same type weaponary that our military has, and it is for the current peoposed assault weapons ban, there are no fully automatic assault weapons that have been legally sold in the U.S. for more yrs then i can think need a special "ticket" to even own them and then the background check is something that most people couldn't pas, probably not even the current occupant of the while house, well maybe the new dog could, if the got him a bogus SS #!!!

No, gun registration is just the start of on big mistake, it just lets the feds know where to go when they decide it is time to take your weapons...........not happening at my house...........
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Just a side note, there has never been a crime committed by anyone that has a collectors permit for full automatic weapons. Of course, Barry wants to do away with that license to control crime and because those weapons are a threat to public safety. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Do you know what a class 3 owner has to go through? Of course there is no way a class 3 holder in their right mind would use a weapon in a crime.

But with that said, I am saying ok take the guns away, stop allowing people to defend themselves and see what is going to happen or just did......

In Oakland Californy three cops are dead, not because of some crazed gun owner went on a rampage and shot them but because of a parolee who got his hands on two guns, a hand gun and a 'assault weapon' decided to kill them. Now Californy is ordered to release more criminals into the streets, this will happen more and more and what can I say? Maybe if there was someone who had a gun other than the cops, the guy would not have shot the thrid cop?

Gun ownership is there for a reason, but so is the idea that we are the law... Someone (a famous lawyer whom I forget his name) pointed out that the law is the citizens, not the cops and taking the law into our own hands maybe as constitutional as our right to own firearms.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yes, it is VERY difficult to say the least. I know that anyone who would go through that would not be a criminal. Just shows you how STUPID these people are.

Criminals don't need to be excused, coddled or released. I don't give a hoot how bad thier life is. Keeep 'em locked up. There are lots of out of production mines that are no longer in use. Put 'em in there. Shoot, if it is deep enough you would not even need guards, except at the surface.



Veteran Expediter
greg wrote:

Someone (a famous lawyer whom I forget his name) pointed out that the law is the citizens, not the cops and taking the law into our own hands maybe as constitutional as our right to own firearms.

The SC has ruled that it is NOT Law Enforcements job to provide protection to individuals, the fact that they do make the effort in most cases does not imply that it is a requirement by law..they are their to offer protection to the masses, they are not required by law to afford protection any one citizen, they do not have the number of bodies to do so........

This is way is it not only a right to arm yourself, but a "social obligation..........."


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
FBI crime stats, look it up, I have. It is EVERYONES respsonsibility to know the facts on as many issues as possible BEFORE they enter that voting booth. Our RIGHTS under the Constitution are more important than just about any other issue. So many are willing to trade away freedom for the empty promises of "FREE THIS or FREE THAT". No such thing as "free anything" They are willing to give up thier Rights for so-called "Public Safety" without one bit of evidence in history to back up the claims that Law abbiding citizens are the cause of crime as the Obama's of the world claim. I own guns. It is none of the governments business. I am not a criminal. I have NO criminal record. Look up how many elected officials have criminal records. What about Obama? He spent his school days "wasted" on illegal drugs. There is NO legal was to do that and he has the unmittigated gaul to force me to do a backround check? Frankly, he can just " Kiss My Royal *SS!!!" Tell me Barry, who has the criminal record, YOU or me? Care to give me a set of your prints and have them run? I bet not. Mine are all the time. Bafoon Barry is just another hipocrate. Layouthooter