is it really that slow out here ?????


Expert Expediter
ive been in detroit for two days,got a friend stuck in nashville,another in louisville,anyone else sittin ????


Expert Expediter
I thought you left Panther because of all that "sittin". Is it possible that "sittin" is not unique to Panther?


Expert Expediter
i left panther because of that and a hundred other things you need to reply to the topic or give me a way to contact you if you want to talk man to man


Veteran Expediter
You're gripin about sitting again??? LOL
Sometimes I go 2 days without a load. By the end of the first I'm telling myself, "Dayam I wish I woulda bid less on that load!" But I can't gripe too much. If I hafta dh, my last load covered it. I waited in NC on Thurs and Fri a couple weeks ago. Bid too high on two or three loads, so I dh up to Huntington, WV on Sat. Monday morning got a load from Columbus, OH up to Ann Arbor. It's all worth it in the end. ;)

I do agree with you about the communication thing. I can almost always get hold of the guy I'm leased on with. That's the most important thing next to pay.


Expert Expediter
just wondering, i thought this was the busy season,from the looks of the detroiter parking lot seems slow


Veteran Expediter
How long have you been sitting in Detroit? If you're there more than a day, start heading west or south. I've learned with Panther that Battle Creek is a good area, cause not many sit there. If you go south, anywhere in Ohio is good. Who are you driving for now, by the way?


Expert Expediter
it dont matter who you drive for if they cant load out of the motor city somethings wrong, unless your with panther and 24 out, been there done that


Veteran Expediter
It does matter, cause if there's an abundance of trucks in an area, only so many are moving. I live near Detroit, and I've deadheaded out to get loaded. The amount of incoming freight is higher than outgoing, usually. I did see a ton of t/ts needed out of Detroit at one time, as well as some good s/t team runs throughout the day.

So, who are you driving for?


Expert Expediter
not a company where ive got to compete with a huge fleet along with other companies, up until lately done real well,like i told the other guy stay on the subject, ive heard your two cents, how bout lets hear from some others


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
I believe it is an expected evil if you are running a van. The amount of trucks your company has in Detroit may be an issue as well. You should mention your company as there may be another driver that can assist you. Many times the grass isn't always greener.

To answer your We are preloaded from that area before a truck ever gets there. I am referring to straight trucks with teams in this instance.

May want to consider a company that has freight, explore the Uship option, or start looking for your own customers.
Or, move up to a larger truck that has a higher demand and rate.

If you are constantly sitting, it seems like you would have time on your hands to address other options.

If you are looking for consistant hour to hour running, a courier service would suit your needs better.



Veteran Expediter
Knowing which company you run for is on topic. Someone who has, or does, drive for them can probably tell you where their freight is. You asked if it's slow, maybe your company doesn't have alot of freight in Detroit. Then again, if you want to keep secrets, you can't expect anyone to help you. We're expediters, not mindreaders.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner

It appears that he is venting rather than looking for answers or a solution.
Sometimes that can happen.
We can only offer what help we can.



Veteran Expediter
I hear ya, Dave. I've been in that "misery loves company" attitude before also. Just trying to help him look at different angles.

I'll never understand why some drivers don't like to share which company they drive for. It's not like an influx of ppl will suddenly take away their freight. ;)


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Just from reading the user name was my red flag! I can count on one hand the number of members that joined EO over the years who had VENT within their user name, and tiredofsitten is one of them.

What you are about to read below was written by a very devoted and experienced young man who has been around expedite for a very long time. This guy had a dream, implemented it and the results of that dream are, besides what better time to share this with you all than now. Please pay special attention to part #4 subparts A, B, and C.

His words not mine!
Welcome to EO and thank you for your participation.
You asked a great question. Is anyone still making money in expediting?
The answer is yes.
There is still money to be made in OTR, ground expediting. Now with that said there are a few important factors to understand.
1. Low hanging fruit
Many, many moons ago (approximately 15 years ago) there were only a few, truly qualified expedited carriers. It was a new service that was offered only by a few exclusive companies. These carriers were truly innovative and rode the wave of a new and upcoming business model in the automotive manufacturing business, it was called Just-in-Time or JIT.
As the JIT concept grew outside of the automotive arena - so did the opportunities for the carriers. For many years these few carriers (and owner operators) enjoyed triple digit growth as they were the only game in town. The carriers set the freight rates and the shippers were eager to pay "whatever it took" to get the freight to it's destination. Many of us on this forum were fortunate enough to have benefited during these earlier times when the freight was plentiful and the rates were outstanding.
That was then, this is now.
2. Everyone wants in
As the industry grew so did amount of companies who wanted their piece of the pie. It was inevitable - triple digit growth catches a lot of attention. As truckload carriers were experiencing a major downturn in freight rates - expediting was busy raising their rates.
Where would you want to be?
The first waves of new companies were from full truckload carriers starting their new expediting divisions. Then a few years after that, there was a near avalanche of smaller mom and pop operations.
For the first time in the history of the industry - expediting was getting crowded and marketplace competition kicked in. Over the last five years, expedited freight rates have fallen. One could even suggest that they were artificially too high for the marketplace, similar to what happened in the tech stocks a few years ago.
For those of us who remember the "good ole days" it is sometimes frustrating when we look at what we had and where we are now. The fact of the matter is the rules of this industry have changed. There is a great book available at called "WHO MOVED MY CHEESE?" that deals with the constantly changing business arena and how we should respond to the changes.
3. 9/11/2001
It is a FACT. The horrible events in NY had a devastating impact on not only our industry, but on the general economy as well. My point is this - you can't judge an entire industry based on the events of the past year. You really have to look at the entire picture to see what is going on.
4. Open Forum Comments
I love the freedom we have and I love the fact that we can speak our mind openly - even here on this forum as it pertains to our industry. There are three kinds of posters at EO:
a. Community Minded
My favorite kind of member. These people contribute with their comments, ideas and suggestions, they really offer a lot to the online community. The generally tell you like it is and are always willing to help anyone. Down right good neighbors!
b. One Hit Wonders
These folks have a simple question and want a simple answer. They make one or two posts and then they just "lurk" in the background, reading the post but not participating until they have another question. They don't generally offer help to anyone else, but that's ok.
c. Hot Flamers
These posters generally come armed and loaded! They are angry and frustrated that no one at their company could or would address their issues so they think that they will get some action by posting their grievance here in the public for everyone to see. Typically, these posters never participate on any other topic or offer anyone any help whatsoever.
They are on a mission to vent.
We see them come and go and often wonder what became of their situation. Most of these posts while they may be factual - the poster is often very distraught.

5. So where are we headed?
The rules of engagement have changed. If you operate your business expecting 1985 - 1999 rates and freight you will not survive. Your business plan has to be smart. You must prepare for long stretches of slow times. You must be truly independent minded, if you depend on the carrier to solve all your issues, you are headed for a big disappointment.
Rich M. has a great business plan and has proved over the many years in this industry that you can be successful - but you have to plan it that way. As the saying goes. Failure to plan is planning for failure.
Those are my thoughts and the way I see it.
We wish you well!
Accept that some days you're the pigeon,
and some days you're the statue.

Every member and guest who just read the above quote written by Lawrence should learn something even those who are here to vent.


Veteran Expediter
No freight is not slow. Can't get any sleep they keep wakeing me up with load offers.Get the H out of Dodge. Alot of freight coming out of small towns right now.More moulds and tooling than auto parts.
Wish I would of knew there were so many vans in Detriot, I would of bounced there just to get some sleep. LOL! Made as much in last 6 weeks as I did in 2cd quarter.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
I believe it. Our trucks have been running hard. Usually running out of hours and needing to stop to get a 34 hour reset.



Like that song about it being 5:00 somewhere, I think freight is ALWAYS great somewhere and ALWAYS lousy somewhere. Unfortunately, the energy necessary to determine where a better spot might be is often used up complaining about the bad spot a person is in.


Expert Expediter
WOW... First you left Panther because you sat and now with an un-named new company you are still sitting??/ Time to look in the mirror. Almost impossible to sit on the Romulus Board (Detroit) and not get a load. I take it you won't or can't go into Canada, you are afraid to spend a couple of bucks to move yourself and another guess your numbers are probably sub-par.

See, you are the same guy I had coffee with on Monday, bitchin about your company etc and when I came back on Thursday, you were still there complaining. In that time I ran 3 loads and made some money. You probably turned down 3 loads and spent $50. in the video arcade.

Instead of crying like a Nancy, call your driver relations people and see what you can to become a better driver, or call the Mall, the holidays are coming and I know they need help.

DS1450 (Proud Panther Driver from New England)

highway star

Veteran Expediter
It appears that this thread became too informative for tired. Where'd he go? Joe Roman's site was loaded with the whiners. It became way too much bother sorting through the garbage to find a worth while post. At Thompson we seem to have slowed a bit after a couple of real busy months. But, not like it's February or anything.

At times it can be hard to be hard to be optimistic in this business. I'm not real optimistic about what the first half of next year is going to be like.