Is it offensive


Veteran Expediter
Your avatar is just fine. Don't be bullied by the politically correct. Leave it to them and we'll all be eunuchs.


Not a Member
images yosemete.jpgI think that your avatar is pretty cool. If the comment didn't come from a mod, I wouldn't worry about it.
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Veteran Expediter
Offensive? A picture of a American that shows he believes in the 2nd ammendment, and is able to defend his family and himself. Nope not to me at all. And I know about others feeling my avatar is offensive....You posted it so you must beieve in it and your tag name seems to imply that you just might have a few more put away..... Not offensive at all.

Just to show you how UN-Offensive I find it, if you are not already a member of the 2A foundation, send me a PM, I'll pay for your membership for the 1st yr....:D


Veteran Expediter
Not that I find it offensive, particularly, but since you've pretty well given an open invitation to comment on it, it seems silly (to me) to be standing there holding a couple of guns up in the air, with your pants undone :eek:

I'm *ssuming that you probably don't in fact have your pants undone, however, the avatar is so small I can't tell for sure, and that's how it *appears* to me.

Everyone get outta the pool now!


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Your avatar is not offensive in the least. What's offensive is the grammar and spelling in your sig. :D

A [SPACE] after those commas, please. And please change that silly THAN to a THEN. :rolleyes:

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Sincerely yours,

The Grammar Nazi.


Seasoned Expediter
God Guns and Guts made this country. If that offends anyone I guess they will have to just get over it. I think it looks kewl, but pj is right lol looks like the barn door is open


Expert Expediter
The picture was comical and amusing, just as it was meant to be. SOMEONE always has SOMETHING contradicting to say about EVERYTHING. That is because it makes them feel better about themselves. Low self-esteem. That is what crosses my mind each time I read condescending remarks on here that have NOTHING to do with the post.
After losing 3 people dear to us ,in 6 months time last year...we truly realize that life IS too short. A sayings that hits home now.
Live and let live. This IS YOUR life...not a dress rehersal. Do you want to be remembered as a crotchety old fart always correcting BREATHE..


Veteran Expediter
Anyone who thinks your avatar is offensive needs to grow a set. I am sick and tired of all the PC crap. If owning and using guns makes you happy, more power to ya!!!

As for the comment about your pants being undone. The avatar is small so maybe they didn't see all the guns :D and all those guns have to be heavy :rolleyes:


Staff member
People I know who own firearms are the most trust-worthy, hard-working people I know. For what it's worth.


Veteran Expediter
My 'high speed' connection must be really bad, cuz I can hardly see that video, it's all blotchy and stifled. Darn! But according to your avatar, you oughta be in mighty fine shape!


Expert Expediter
It's not offensive to me at all. I actually own a beautiful silver .357 magnum that belonged to my grandfather. I let my dad keep it in his gun cabinet for safe keeping. He tried to get me to shoot it once when he was target shooting but I chickened out. I shot the .22 rifle instead. lol


Expert Expediter
It is not offensive in the least. It seems to me that people go out of their way to be offended.

Can't we all just get along?

Who ever it was that thought it was offensive, if they want to see something offensive, I can hook them up if they want. :eek:

Just have them watch any episode of south park. They are an equal opportunity offender.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Maybe all of us who chose to excerise our Constitutional Right to Keep and Bare Arms should put a similar pic up. Then we could offend even more people!!! LOL Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Wellarmed, is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to be an E.O. member?


Veteran Expediter
I'm not a gun kinda person, But I see nothing wrong with it...I know now not to pizz you off, lol


Veteran Expediter
The only thing offensive about the avatar is the reminder that we who sometimes have to be in truly low rent areas at all hours are not permitted to carry a weapon if we choose.
Don't let 'em get to you, whomever "they" are.