Is it just me -Ever Notice When Some one Asks a De


Seasoned Expediter
When someone asks a question, regardless if it's on the radio. TV or even here at Expediter Online, ever notice how they seem to always sidestep the question with, maybe another question, or they just act like they never heard the question. I've seen this time and time again, and I find it, well let's just say it reinforces my point.
WHAT is up with this?


Veteran Expediter
RE: Is it just me -Ever Notice When Some one Asks

I presume the someone is me.I have not waivered in my stance regarding the mess our country is in,and how we got here,since I began posting on this forum.
In fact,I was opposed to W long before the American people were sold the bill of goods we call The President.Anyone who was interested could have done minimal research and realized this guy was so NOT presidential material,it was laughable.He was bought and sold on his name only,and I would like anyone(you included)to tell me otherwise.
So,when he wanted to go to war(we never needed to go to war)I was also totaly against it,as I was sure he had no idea what he was doing.
When he did not listen to the Generals who told him he needed more troops,he dismissed them.Instead,he let civilians make the decisions,like Donny and the VEEP.A pair of ace's if there ever where two.They sent the troops completly unprepared for battle,or for the hornets nest they would stir up.I was one of those preaching to anyone that would listen that we were making a big mistake,and that W was working off ego and a Texas "bring em on"mentality.He's a fool,worse,a stupid idiotic fool,the worst kind.I don't care who did and did not or vote for this war,I did'nt vote for it,and was against it from day one.I'm ashamed of those,ALL those, who did vote for it and changed their minds to be politicaly correct.Don't confuse me with them,OK.
Do I have the answer for how to get out?Can I do anything but throw stones and complain?Having helped end the last mistaken war by throwing stones(not literal stones,OK) and marching(did'nt burn a bra Ark)but acted with in my rights,that is one avenue to be heard.Since this President is determined to find something called victory,and is blind to the civil war,yes,I have a propsed idea,since you asked.
First,it will take cooporation from others in the area.Since they now hate us,(even more then before we invaded)we have opened the door for them to eventually run the show in Iraq if we don't go to the table.
Since the Sunnis and Sheites will never see eye to eye,and the Kurds already have an established homeland,why not make Iraq into three countries,similar to Bosnia?Everybody takes a prearranged territory,forms their own government,and we agree to be peace keepers(along with a REAL coalition) until the borders are established and independant governments are established.We have no other alternatives as the government in power will never work together,and are responsible for death squads to this day.
If W had of listened to the experts,who at the time we telling him that the very mess that exists today was inevitable,he may have chosen another route for dealing with a two bit dictator who was already boxed in.
So,you asked,I answered.I know you will rip my idea to shreds,which is how you opereate.But lay off the "just give me one answer"wineing.


Seasoned Expediter
RE: Is it just me -Ever Notice When Some one Asks

tallcall if you were President after 911 what would you have proposed we do?


Veteran Expediter
RE: Is it just me -Ever Notice When Some one Asks

"similar to Bosnia?Everybody takes a prearranged territory,forms their own government"

Dude, unless you know what is going on there and the culture, this is a very bad example.


Veteran Expediter
RE: Is it just me -Ever Notice When Some one Asks

Nope I got to make this a second reply.

The reason that many don’t answer questions is;

• They are afraid to speak their true feelings because they want to fit in and may give the wrong answer

• They are uninformed (the proper word is ignorant) about the subject at hand

• They know that if they answer, they may look like a fool

• They think they know an answer but seem to want to second guess themselves but play it safe by not answering

• Can’t think for themselves

• Take their cue from others who tell them it is safe not to answer but ask another question or make a statement that is not part of the subject to avoid the question altogether – this is deflection (which by the way is in the latest word lexicon from the left but it is an avoidance term, much like Vast Right Wing Conspiracy)

• Think that they can use someone else’s answer to make them look like they know something about the subject

• Or follow a political organization that is out to ruin the country leadership’s instruction and get a daily email with answers to various questions ranging from Social Security to the war on the anti-global warming crowd

Some may seem repetitive but I am tired from my busy day of sitting here doing nothing except getting my marching orders from the GOP.


Retired Expediter
RE: Is it just me -Ever Notice When Some one Asks

I will answer doghouse...

I would have attacked Afganistan with all the might and power we have because it is the Taliban that is the real enenmy.

I would NOT have done Iraq. Saddam was a dictator and all round bad guy yes. But the world could have isolated him. And with all to-days technology we could have controlled him. Kept an eye on him. The no fly zone was working. we could have him penned in from a distance.


Veteran Expediter
RE: Is it just me -Ever Notice When Some one Asks


I agree with you on afghanistan but I would have come in from Pakastan if at all possible closing off escape routes. I would also not have the media along for the ride and I would elminiate the taliban.

But I am wondering about your statement "But the world could have isolated him."

OK? I can't see this because of the UN, France and Germany all being involved with circumventing the oil for food program and the fact that France and Germany both had interests directly with Saddam, hence the opposition to our going in there in the first place.

Also I would like to hear from Tallcal in detail what he would have done.


Expert Expediter
RE: Is it just me -Ever Notice When Some one Asks

>I will answer doghouse...
>I would have attacked Afganistan with all the might and
>power we have because it is the Taliban that is the real
>I would NOT have done Iraq. Saddam was a dictator and all
>round bad guy yes. But the world could have isolated him.
>And with all to-days technology we could have controlled
>him. Kept an eye on him. The no fly zone was working. we
>could have him penned in from a distance.

I'll say this again. We did attack Afghanistan with all our might, and had the deal licked in short order. Then the pressure for a more "multinational" force came, and we got that. Now we have ISAF (International Security and Assistance Force) and The US forces here. No no offense, but once you get into a war, and take some real estate, I do not think it is real bright to turn it over to the French or Dutch for safe keeping. They just are not in it for the same reasons we are. But, the world and the left Yelled for multinational forces here and thats what we got. So now we have ISAF patrols running around "policing" the areas maybe withing a few kilometers of their bases and you have the Brits, Canadians, and Americans still fighting the Taliban here.

The media shows anything bad that happens, and that reinforces the mindset of the Taliban, and they get some real good propaganda from it, which increases recruiting.

Now, to address your other statement, in Iraq AND Afghanistan we are fighting people mostly not FROM Iraq and Afghanistan. So it really would not make that much difference if we were doing it in Iraq, Afghanistan or both. If some flat head from Turkministan or Iran wants to come kill Infidels, he will go either place. He does not give a crap if it is in Afghanistan or Iraq, he is gonna come anyway.

I don't know how many times I have to explain this. We are fighting people who hate us and want to kill us, ANYWHERE period. Thats what Sept 11th was about folks. If we leave here, we are gonna have to deal with them in the US, or anywhere else in the world where US citizens mass. You are dealing with people who have been taken to radical Islamic schools, not taught to read or write, just recite the Koran from rote memorization. They fill their heads with crap about dying as a martyr and give them a little basic military training when they are brainwashed enough. If they make the cut, they get groomed as a suicide bomber. And thats a whole nother sick ball of wax.

France gave in and tried to be nice to the Radical Islamic people there, and got riots for a month in return. Spain gave in and got their trains bombed.

This is the world we live in now. Like it or not. If we do not deal with this threat now, your kids and grandkids are going to inherit it.

We are doing very well despite what you might hear. US military deaths in various wars. Here are some number for you...

American Revolutionary War 1775–1783 8,000
War of 1812 1812–1815 2,260
Civil War 1861–1865 212,938
World War I 1917–1918 53,402
World War II 1941–1945 291,557
Korean War 1950–1953 33,746
Vietnam War 1964–1973 47,355
Us Military Deaths since 9/11 2001-2007 3,203

Look at the civil war, Union deaths ALONE in several single battles were more than we have lost in 6 years;

The Wilderness May 5-7: 17,666
Spotsylvania May 10 and 12: 10,920
Drewry's Bluff May 12-16 4,160
Cold Harbor June 1-3: 12,000
Petersburg June 15-30 16,569
Battle of Gettysburg July 1-3 51,112 (23,049 Union and 28,063 Confederate)

Folks, we are NOT getting our asses kicked anywhere but in the media. it disgusts me.



Expert Expediter
More on madrassas.

Subversive Schools that Train Terrorists
by James Dunnigan
July 16, 2005
Discussion Board on this DLS topic

One of the strengths of Islamic radicals is their influence, or outright control, over primary education in their home countries. Most Moslem countries don’t spend much on education to begin with, partly because, historically, the clergy took care of basic education. There's also the problem of who controls most Moslem countries. It tends to be a feudal collection of families, that own most of the land, and political power. A better educated population would only create more troublemakers. In countries that have produced a lot of young Islamic terrorists, there has been a pattern of low government spending on education, and lots more by religious organizations. For example, Pakistan spends only 1.7 percent of GPD on education. The United States spends five percent, and India, not a wealthy nation, spends 4.3 percent. But religious schools, run by Islamic clergy, and largely paid for by Saudi Arabian charities, provide parents with another option. These schools, called madrassas, spend about 40 percent of their time teaching religious subjects, with the rest being devoted to things like, grammar, rhetoric, public speaking, logic, philosophy, Arabic literature, Islamic law, theology, medicine, mathematics, polemics, and so on. This is, to Westerners, an old fashioned curriculum. It is, and this is intentional. A madrassa attempts to educate their students to be observant and capable Moslems.

Madrassas have been around for over a thousand years, and underwent a revival, and renewal, in the 19th century, when the current curriculum was developed. In many Islamic countries, the madrassas are supported by local contributions, and are expected to give the kids a good basic education (something between primary and high school.) But the Saudi charities have put much of their money into madrassas that teach in the style of conservative Islamic madrassas found in Saudi Arabia. This means a lot of emphasis on how evil non-Moslems are, and how good a thing it is for Moslems to fight against all those evil infidels (non-Moslems). This curriculum includes a large dose of “kill the Jews.†This is where al Qaeda came from. This is where many of the recruits for Islamic terrorism come from. Countries with a lot of these “let’s go kill infidels†madrassas have been trying to shut them down. Pakistan has over half a million students in madrassas, and many of them spend more time teaching religion and hate, rather than practical subjects. The government has had some success in getting the madrassas to improve their teaching, and adhering to standards. But, in general, the Pakistani madrassas continue to churn out the hate. Saudi Arabia has more control over education, but faces resistance from the religious establishment when attempts are made to tinker with the curriculum.

The United States, recognizing the crucial role madrassas in indoctrinating young men (hardly any girls go to madrassas), has offered educational assistance to Moslem countries. But the need is so great, and the madrassas so numerous (we’re talking over 100,000 schools throughout the Moslem world), that it would take more money (tens of billions of dollars a year) than Congress would approve, to have a serious impact. The problem has more to do with corruption in Moslems countries, and disregard for the importance of useful education. Thus we always come back to the need for fundamental reforms in Moslem countries, which many citizens of those countries want. But ancient tradition, and resourceful dictators, make it difficult to carry out those reforms. Not impossible, look at Iraq, but difficult. Look at Iraq again.

If you think This is BS, just do a google search for madrassas...



Expert Expediter
RE: Is it just me -Ever Notice When Some one Asks

>I agree with you on afghanistan but I would have come in
>from Pakastan if at all possible closing off escape routes.
>I would also not have the media along for the ride and I
>would elminiate the taliban.

Greg, I respect your opinions, but obviously you have never seen the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. No amount of troops will EVER Seal that border. Hell, there are places along that border that We would most likely not even be able to get people to...



Veteran Expediter
RE: More on madrassas.

T-Call I agree now that Bush is a not to good of a President. He is right up there with Jimmy Carter who I do think is a great person just a terrible president.

But who the Dems put up against him no wonder he is in office. And please forget the FL mess. After all Gore did invent the internet so he claimed. And Mr. Heinz well whats a person to do at the polls?

Yes this country is in a tail spin. Got any ideas?


Veteran Expediter
RE: More on madrassas.

"Greg, I respect your opinions, but obviously you have never seen the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. No amount of troops will EVER Seal that border. Hell, there are places along that border that We would most likely not even be able to get people to..."

I agree aviator but as an arm chair general, that is what I thought about when I wrote it.

If I was really incharge, I would have to have the situation reports and engagement plans in front of me with advice from my staff.


Seasoned Expediter
RE: More on madrassas.

Jimmy Carter was a bad prez? but a good person? he's a ANTI-SEMITE he hates Jews that makes him a good person? I think NOT!


Retired Expediter
RE: More on madrassas.

Aviator...Riddle me this.. In Iraq we're fighting mostly Syrians Taliban
El quada, Iranians and saudis? They are coming into Iraq because it's good place to shoot Yanks and Brits? If we hadn't gone in there'd be no killing field ? But your saying if we don't do it there they'll come over here or anywhere they find Americans?
Therss no easy solution.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
RE: More on madrassas.

That's right - there's no easy solution. However, they've already been here and they started this mess. They attacked us several times in the 90s and the Clinton administration refused to deal with them. After the non-response to the Cole attack and our cut-and-run strategy in Somalia, Osama was convinced they could get away just about anything - thus, 9/11 and off we go to Afganistan. Just because we haven't seen them attack us on our soil since doesn't mean they won't if they get the chance. We need to take the gloves off and deal with these barbarians in an overpowering brutal manner - and that includes the sources of their weapons and financing in Iran and Syria.


Seasoned Expediter
RE: More on madrassas.

Thanks Aviator...well it's been over 24 hours since I proposed the question to tallcal and no response I guess he doesn't have the answer he just likes to bash our President and all that want to protect us.That's why he isnt our President just a monday morning quarterback.The Left wing Politicians in this Country should be ashamed of themselves for doing more DAMAGE to this Country for there meaningless resoulutions and all the retoric they throw out there everyday.The Democratic Party is in choas and fighting among themselves and I say keep it up..they are a bunch of Lunitics and the citizens of this country that voted these idiots in should be proud that they had a part in the slow bleed policy of cutting off funding our troops,oh wait they coud'nt even get that passed by their own Party! So what is there position now...what are they going to do? Hmmm they dont have a CLUE!


Expert Expediter
RE: More on madrassas.

>Aviator...Riddle me this.. In Iraq we're fighting mostly
>Syrians Taliban
>El quada, Iranians and saudis? They are coming into Iraq
>because it's good place to shoot Yanks and Brits? If we
>hadn't gone in there'd be no killing field ? But your saying
>if we don't do it there they'll come over here or anywhere
>they find Americans?
>Therss no easy solution.

Ontario, I don't mean to make it sound like we will have 1000s of them coming here to kill us. Thats not the case, but if one in every 1000 of them decides he feel strongly enough about it to come over and do some kind of suicide attack over here then we would still have a huge problem on our hands. As much improvement as things have changed in North America regarding how aware people are of terrorism and such, they are still not even close to being ready to be able to deal with a situation like that. It would be carnage.



Retired Expediter
RE: More on madrassas.

I am sorry to say this but I believe the enemy is already here to attack when, where and whatever target they's just a matter of time...the DHS can turn the border scretws as tight as they can but it'll do no good. Its as simple as stealing a couple propane trucks and blowing the bridges to Canada that would finacially cripple both countries, since Canada is also on thier hit list.


Expert Expediter
RE: More on madrassas.

I would argue that the fact there has been no major (or really minor) attacks in N America since 9/11 confirms my point. I mean it does not take 6 years of planning to figure out and prepare for an attack with a couple trucks with propane tanks in them. Don't get me wrong, it WILL eventually happen, but it has not in the last 6 years.

If Maboob or whoever wants to kill infidels, its much easier and cheaper for them to travel from Iran to Afghanistan or Iraq to do it than it is to set them up for a ticket to the US, a place to live, cover story, and living expenses, etc etc.

We are constantly killing or capturing Taliban or Al Queda leaders. This also has a disruptive effect on planning an attack in N America. People may not want to hear this, but I bet if you were to ask any of the 3,200 military members who have been killed in the war, if they were willing to give their lives so another 9/11 type attack did not happen, the majority would say yes. It sucks, and may seem cold, but we lost that many in the 9/11 attack. Loosing that many brave troops over the course of 6 years (who like I said would agree it was indeed worth it, and volunteered to go) as opposed to perhaps that many civilians every year or two is not loosing in my book.
