I'm looking to start a small fleet 2 Semi trucks. I been hearing alot this isn't the time to get in too the truck business with fuel prices. I'm also not looking to drive the trucks,I would be hiring team drivers.What is your opinion on the situation? Not a good time or theres still money to be made.
First of all ,i would like to agree with all of the above advice .
and would like to answer as to the timing question.
it is a good time to get into trucking.
1 - FSC is not somthing to be ignore anymore by shippers/brokers/cariers ...
as it is , the one paying for the load ,understend now that it coasts money just to get the truck to the load ,as is for moving the fright .
in some ways , the rising fuel prices have done well to the industry.
2 - now is the time to get a business-loan ,
on one hand , truck financing rates have gone up , do to the hike in truck reposes ,
yet ,
with new trucks sales going down , many manufacturing have found innovative ways to finance a truck.
i would like to use the opportunity to proudly announce that i just bought a new truck for "no-money-down" , unheard on in this industry .
all signs are showing that interests rates, in witch the feds charge the banks for loans, will not go any lower , and are at a very attractive rate, and has being for a while , witch allow the lenders now to pass on the saving to a potential customer -to stay attractive .
you can get a low interest rate loan now , like never before.
tho , you will have to show more stability .
at any case , getting a good team to drive the truck ,
still is the hardest task to overcome .
an equal important task is : where to go to get the fright ?