A lot of the protesters are jealous and greedy though, they want to take from people that have more. The protesters are saying the corporations and CEO's shouldn't have the money and think they should so he is right. Where do you see Cain arrogantly dismissing people that want an audit?
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No doubt some protesters are jealous & greedy - as RLENT said, a crowd that size has all kinds of people. But they aren't saying corporations and CEO's 'shouldn't have the money and think they should' at all - they're saying the corporations have too much power over the lawmakers [Congress]. That power is how they amass the ludicrous wealth, and the government should not be aiding and abetting the wealthy, while the working class can't earn a living [often thanks to the same wealthy corporations and CEOs].
No one cared about how much the wealthy had, until it became crystal clear that they too often get it by buying Congress [the banking industry is a perfect example], and when it costs people their jobs, then they care very much.
Portraying them as slackers and whiners is deflection, and blaming the victims [favorite tactic of so many]. I'd be willing to bet that a very large percentage of the protesters HAD jobs until some corporate honcho [who makes millions, if not billions] eliminated the jobs to increase stock dividends, thereby getting himself a few more millions in bonus money.....
They don't want other people's money - they want the chance to earn their own, and they're not getting it. Why is that so hard to understand? [Please don't say they can work 2 jobs, or move to Wyoming - if one needs to do that to work, society is BROKEN.]