Is Herman Cain the new target?


Veteran Expediter
I believe there should be an audit done on the Fed but when some
reporter tries to mislead people into thinking Herman Cain belittles those that believe this and calls him a liar in the headline it really is a bad thing for RP. The mistake here is attacking a guy that isn't mainstream, people like Cain or Paul because they have researched them, it isn't like Perry or Romney where the information is run in the news daily and they have support based on name recognition.

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
This type of attack is to be expected now that Cain is rising in the polls and gaining more name recognition and support. The credibility of his accusers is suspect though, and Paul is taking shots at Cain now that he has fallen behind Cain in the polls. The so-called "quote" seems to be taken from a statement made by Cain while filling in as host for the Neal Boortz radio show. To paraphrase, he said people were asking for an audit because they didn't "know enough about the Fed". It's probably fair to say that not many people do know much about the Fed and how it works, but it's too cute by 1/2 to claim Cain literally accused anyone of being ignorant. However, this is just the beginning of the smears that will come as Cain's poll numbers rise and his debate performances improve. But if this is the best hit his opponents can produce, it will be smooth sailing for Mr. Cain.


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NBC news is reporting on Nightly News that Herman Cain is now the GOP frontrunner.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
NBC news is reporting on Nightly News that Herman Cain is now the GOP frontrunner.

Front runner based on what? How many real votes have been taken? They are just putting out a "hit" on Cain. They name the "front runner" to signal to the media who to attack.


Veteran Expediter
NBC news is reporting on Nightly News that Herman Cain is now the GOP frontrunner.

Wow NBC decided to ignore all the polls and declare their own frontrunner. The media did the same with Obama, hopefully it works again and we get a better result.

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Veteran Expediter
Wow NBC decided to ignore all the polls and declare their own frontrunner. The media did the same with Obama, hopefully it works again and we get a better result.

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Some polls have shown cain in the lead others Romney.


Veteran Expediter
I believe there should be an audit done on the Fed
Good ;)

Ibut when some reporter tries to mislead people into thinking Herman Cain belittles those that believe this and calls him a liar in the headline it really is a bad thing for RP.
Mislead ?

Cain is a bought and paid for shill for the Fed (even if a stealth one) - you simply don't get to be a Fed Governor or Chairman of a Fed Bank without being one ..... either that or simply .... a bought and paid for useful idiot ....

Here's Uncle Herman doin' his shuck and jive - judge for yourself whether his comments and attitude are paternalistic and condescending (Just move along folks .... nothing to see here .... pay no attention to that man behind the curtain with the printing press .... it's all groovy - because I, Uncle Hermann, say so ... :rolleyes:):

No Need To Audit the Federal Reserve According to Herman Cain - YouTube

The reality of the matter is, is that most people really don't know much about what the Fed actually is (as opposed to the PR of what it is) and how it operates ....

Consider the words of the Louis McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee in the 1930s in describing it:

"Some people think that the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Government institutions. They are private monopolies which prey upon the people of these United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers; foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers; and rich and predatory money lenders."

In essence, the Fed is a privately-owned mechanism specifically designed to rob a country of it's wealth - and enslave it's citizens.

The Federal Reserve was originally opposed by Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, who was the first public official who managed to investigate the Fed, bringing articles of impeachment against members of the Federal Reserve Board including Paul Warburg and William Proctor Gould Harding, charging that the Federal Reserve Board members were involved " a conspiracy to violate the Constitution and laws of the United States..."

He was targeted and paid the price for doing so (the printing plates for his book "Why is Your Country at War?" were confiscated by the government and destroyed)

Later, in the 1930's, Congressman Louis McFadden also attempted to investigate the Fed - and while still in Washington, DC, he was shot and later had his food poisoned for his efforts ..... on the third try they apparently got him, while on a trip to New York (supposedly a "heart attack", possibly poison)

After that, in the '50's, came Congressman Carroll Reese of Tennessee - who, after a whitewash by the preceding committee chairman (Edward E. Cox), headed what became known as the the Reese Committee - which investigated the large tax-exempt foundations (Rockefeller, Fords, Carnegies, and Guggenheim) and found in their final report that they (the foundations) were using their vast funds via the higher education system to enable oligarchical collectivism

Oligarchical Collectivism .... think about that .... and then look around you now.

Reece was stripped of his committee chairmainship after the Dems regained control of the House in 1955.

In the '60's and '70's it was US Rep Wright Patman from Texas (you pass the reservoir named for him, on I-30 between Texarkana and Dallas), who also attempted to investigate the Fed - IIRC, one of his investigators was snuffed under mysterious circumstances, and Patman was eventually stripped of his Committee chairmanship.

In the 1970's and the 1980's, it was Congressman Larry McDonald who carried the torch and sounded the warning cry - which went largely unheeded - he died on the ill-fated Korean Airlines 007 flight.

Frankly, I'm surprised Ron Paul is still alive.

The mistake here is attacking a guy that isn't mainstream, people like Cain or Paul because they have researched them, it isn't like Perry or Romney where the information is run in the news daily and they have support based on name recognition.
Cain is mainstream.

Uncle's comments:

"Some people say that we ought to audit the Fed. Here's what I do know. The Federal Reserve already has so many internal audits it's ridiculous.
I invite anyone to call the Fed up and ask if they will send ya a copy.

I don't know why people think we're gonna learn this great amount of information by auditing the Federal Reserve.
Well Hermann, call me silly but .... considering that the Fed is pretty tight lipped about exactly what they do (specifically) ... and since audits (generally) have as their purpose and product, information, it seems like that there might be much that could be learned ....

I think a lot of people are calling for this audit of the Federal Reserve because they don't know enough about it. There's no hidden secrets going on in the Federal Reserve to my knowledge," he said.
Like I said previously ..... useful idiot ....

Or worse: .... knowing accomplice .....

I think the former is far more likely than the latter ...... world is full of them .....

My answer to Hermann's 9-9-9 plan: nein ! nein ! nein !....

BTW, Tom Woods has a little question (linked below) for Ron Paul to ask Uncle Hermann, based on Hermann's rather boastful and ignorant comments of September 1, 2008, about the state of the economy - all less than week before Fannie and Freddie collapsed, and in the same month as major financial institutions fell, TARP was pushed on us, etc, etc.:

Tom Woods has a Very Important Question to ask Herman Cain

Ron Paul, of course, predicted it.

The truth is out there - all one has to do is look for it.
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Veteran Expediter
Within two weeks of the "genius" comments below by Hermann Cain, the following happened:

1. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were go into receivership under the U.S. government (Sept. 7);

2. Merrill Lynch sold to Bank of America with help of the Feds;

3. Lehman Brothers bankruptcy explodes on the scene, stocks sink 700 point;

4. AIG needs a massive Federal bailout;

5. Washington Mutual snap[ped] up by JP MorganChase;

6. Treasury Secretary Paulson said the economy was so bad that $700 billion must be spent on bailouts immediately; otherwise, warned Ben Bernanke, “we may not have an economy on Monday.”

Economic Growth Surges, but Democrats Ignore the Truth Again

September 1, 2008
By Herman Cain
While the Democrats had their week of unchallenged propaganda about their party - how perfect it is and how terrible the Republicans are - the latest good news about the economy and the average adjusted gross income went unnoticed.

Once again, when Democrats don't like the facts, they just ignore them with the help of the mainstream media.

On August 26, Investor's Business Daily reported data from the Internal Revenue Service showing that the average U.S. income had increased every year for five straight years through 2006. In fact, the $58,029 average was $739 higher than the peak year of 2000, the year before the 2001 recession.

The following day, Sen. Joe Biden declared in his vice-presidential acceptance speech that "John McCain thinks that during the Bush years we've made great progress economically, I think it's been abysmal!" Great progress or abysmal, you make the call.

On August 28, the Associated Press reported the latest Commerce Department data showing that the economy grew faster than previously thought in the April-June 2008 quarter. Gross domestic product (GDP) grew at 3.3 percent, exceeding both the initial estimate and economists' expectations.

As a reminder, we still have not had a recession since 2001, using the standard definition of a recession as two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth. But don't tell the Democrats and the mainstream media. You might disrupt their imaginary recession.

Investor's Business Daily even dared to declare in their sub-title that "Americans are better off than when Bill Clinton was president".

(Insert Democratic scream of choice here.) That can't be!

The same night as the IBD report, Sen. Barack Obama repeated his persistent claim that the Bush economic policies had been a failure, while giving his American Idol-like acceptance speech for the Democratic presidential nomination. And of course, he told us, electing John McCain would be four more years of the Bush economic failure.

The supposed failure of Bush's economic policies has been a constant theme of the Democrats since the 2006 elections, when the Democrats regained control of the House and Senate by convincing enough of the voters that the economic sky was falling, and that the war in Iraq could not be won. Based on all of their convention speeches, they plan to continue those themes right through Election Day on November 4.

They are counting on a gullible and uninformed electorate to win the White House and a larger majority in Congress.

This week's Republican National Convention will be the Republicans' opportunity to state how great they are and how bad the Democrats are. We already know that those extremes are simply not true, just as most of us know that the Democrats exaggerated their extremes for a week totally unchallenged.

Rhetorical exaggerations, hyperbole and platitudes are expected as part of national political party show-and-tell time, but the public deserves that they at least tell the truth.

Since the truth police did not do its job during the Democratic convention, I will have to do it again this week at the Republican convention.

Next week I will let you know the results.

None of this is to say the Dem's were right and the Rep's are wrong ... clearly, they are both culpable - provided one is able to set aside partisanship and honestly look.

The relevant question is:

Cui bono ? (who benefits ?)


Expert Expediter
The 999 could be a feasable plan, everyone who is in this country would be paying the same tax. Including illegals, but would present a quandry in keeping the Feds separate from the states. It would also disenfranchise the extreme poor in this country. Doing away with the minimum wage system would not be good. Maybe we should think about taxing the hell out of Chinese products since they seem to be manipulating their own currency at will. Not to mention blatantly cyber attacking American companies and stealing their ideas. I do like the fair tax idea, I just don't think that it has a chance in Hell of passing.

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Expert Expediter
Who's "Uncle" is Hermain Cain to here???

Getting close to posting racist comments here aren't we?? Especially in todays PC World.


Veteran Expediter
All I know is that if Herman Cain said [as I read, but can't find any reference to now] that the Occupy Wall St protesters are "jealous", he blew his credibility with a whole lot of people who not only know better, but resent the arrogance of the comment. Just as he arrogantly dismissed those who want an audit of the Federal Reserve - not a wise tactic, IMO.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
All I know is that if Herman Cain said [as I read, but can't find any reference to now] that the Occupy Wall St protesters are "jealous", he blew his credibility with a whole lot of people who not only know better, but resent the arrogance of the comment. Just as he arrogantly dismissed those who want an audit of the Federal Reserve - not a wise tactic, IMO.

Kinda like Obama dismissing those of us who "cling" to our "guns and religion", eh?


Veteran Expediter
All I know is that if Herman Cain said [as I read, but can't find any reference to now] that the Occupy Wall St protesters are "jealous", he blew his credibility with a whole lot of people who not only know better, but resent the arrogance of the comment. Just as he arrogantly dismissed those who want an audit of the Federal Reserve - not a wise tactic, IMO.

A lot of the protesters are jealous and greedy though, they want to take from people that have more. The protesters are saying the corporations and CEO's shouldn't have the money and think they should so he is right. Where do you see Cain arrogantly dismissing people that want an audit?

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Veteran Expediter
Who's "Uncle" is Hermain Cain to here???

Getting close to posting racist comments here aren't we?? Especially in todays PC World.
Well Bris,

This is one where "racist" might be more in the eye of the beholder than anything else ....

If you want to understand the context of my appellation of the moniker "Uncle" (as in "the man who would be") to Herr Hermann, see if you can recognize the fellow in the following picture:



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
"A lot of the protesters are jealous and greedy though, they want to take from people that have more."

This is more like the sins of envy and coveting. Many today are too lazy, too "owed" to go out and make it on their own. When they take no steps to "better themselves" they fail, end up with little or nothing. Then they use words like "greed" to "justify" their theft of other people's earnings. In other words, if you can't or won't do it for yourself it is OK and even, "honorable" to take it from those who EARN their way through life.


Veteran Expediter
The 999 could be a feasable plan, everyone who is in this country would be paying the same tax. Including illegals, but would present a quandry in keeping the Feds separate from the states.

It could work but so would the Fairtax. I don't want my labor taxed by any means for any reason. Cut the government to the bone and reduce spending first.

It would also disenfranchise the extreme poor in this country.


We don't have extreme poor who even file a return, so how would that affect them?

The last time I Actually saw poor people, they were wearing clothes that are considered dirty rags over in a country where there are poor people but I have only seen a few people who qualify on being poor here but amazingly have money for food.

Doing away with the minimum wage system would not be good.

This would be a great thing, getting rid of the barrier to better paying jobs is all this does.

Maybe we should think about taxing the hell out of Chinese products since they seem to be manipulating their own currency at will.

Won't do a thing except hurt us. As far as the currency, get frinkn' real - we trashed our own currency and theirs does not matter a bit.

Not to mention blatantly cyber attacking American companies and stealing their ideas.

I do think that we should just improve our security but China is only a little problem, India and Pakistan are huge problems - I mean HUGE.

I do like the fair tax idea, I just don't think that it has a chance in Hell of passing.

It would pass if the old farts would learn how to read and read about it. These seniors seem to like the present tax system but fail to grip the idea that the money they leave to those ungrateful brats of theirs won't be taxed and they worry about those death taxes - just amazing.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It could work but so would the Fairtax. I don't want my labor taxed by any means for any reason. Cut the government to the bone and reduce spending first.


We don't have extreme poor who even file a return, so how would that affect them?

The last time I Actually saw poor people, they were wearing clothes that are considered dirty rags over in a country where there are poor people but I have only seen a few people who qualify on being poor here but amazingly have money for food.

This would be a great thing, getting rid of the barrier to better paying jobs is all this does.

Won't do a thing except hurt us. As far as the currency, get frinkn' real - we trashed our own currency and theirs does not matter a bit.

I do think that we should just improve our security but China is only a little problem, India and Pakistan are huge problems - I mean HUGE.

It would pass if the old farts would learn how to read and read about it. These seniors seem to like the present tax system but fail to grip the idea that the money they leave to those ungrateful brats of theirs won't be taxed and they worry about those death taxes - just amazing.

I am an "OLD FART" I read it, it sucks! IT STILL gives government REFUNDS! IT STILL give great powers to the IRS!

You know, I kinda resent being called an "OLD FART" I am a "seasoned, experienced, MAN"

NO refunds, consumption taxes ONLY! THAT would be FAIR. Then duds who don't earn a living would have to pay taxes on cigs, tatoo's, and booze. What a concept that is!