Is Billy running for president again?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
yeah, yeah, yer like the kid that cried scream boo hoo everytime..

Seems like you just repeated the same tired garbage about that scum bag you like so much as you always do as well. Besides. I did not even answer your post. I did not even see it till after I posted my rant.

Let's get personal now, call names and point fingers. You have your opinion, I have mine. We are both entiteled to express them here or in any other public forum.

How was what I said crying wolf? Lost me on that one. Just pointed out what kind of pig he is. That is not crying wolf.


Veteran Expediter
Layout, I suggest you go to the link and listen to him. For some reason he makes better sense than those who are advising the president and both parties.

However, I don't seem to agree that his advice can do much help for "his" party this late in the game but it seems that the GOP elite better listen to him because he may help them retire while leaving people in the party in power in congress.


Veteran Expediter
Question: How many posts in this thread are really on-topic ?

Answer: One ....... the first one .... by the OP. :D

(correction - make that Two .... greg posted twice :rolleyes:)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Layout, I suggest you go to the link and listen to him. For some reason he makes better sense than those who are advising the president and both parties.

However, I don't seem to agree that his advice can do much help for "his" party this late in the game but it seems that the GOP elite better listen to him because he may help them retire while leaving people in the party in power in congress.

I tried too but the connection here is SO SLOW that it would NOT load. Neither would any of the pictures. I don't have broadband here. I don't know if you are right about him making sense or not, maybe his speech writers do, don't know about him.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well when you get that lighting fast speed back, go and check it out.

I intend to. That won't be until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest. We deliver here in the morning and pick up here as well, then a short run to KY. Hope to get a load out of Louisville or Brooks tomorrow yet.


Veteran Expediter
Seems like you just repeated the same tired garbage about that scum bag you like so much as you always do as well.

Reading the same tired garbage over & over & over again gets really tiresome, don't it?:rolleyes:

Besides. I did not even answer your post. I did not even see it till after I posted my rant.

Let's get personal now, call names and point fingers.
You have your opinion, I have mine. We are both entiteled to express them here or in any other public forum.

How was what I said crying wolf?
I'm pretty sure it means that when the message is the same, people begin to disregard it after awhile.
Lost me on that one. Just pointed out what kind of pig he is.
That is not crying wolf.
In the sense that it slams a politician/government official with over the top hyperbole, it is exactly that.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
"I'm pretty sure it means that when the message is the same, people begin to disregard it after awhile."

I can't say that is is true statement. The Dumb-O-Crats have been spouting the same old class envy, socialist garbage since FDR. No new ideas, no new messege, the same good guys or bad guys as they have seen in for decades. People still fall for it.


Veteran Expediter
Seems like you just repeated the same tired garbage about that scum bag you like so much as you always do as well. Besides. I did not even answer your post. I did not even see it till after I posted my rant.

Let's get personal now, call names and point fingers. You have your opinion, I have mine. We are both entiteled to express them here or in any other public forum.

How was what I said crying wolf? Lost me on that one. Just pointed out what kind of pig he is. That is not crying wolf.
Crying wolf probably isn't exactly what I meant. I should have used "broken record". That would be more accurate...


Veteran Expediter
Bill Clinton, no character, no moral fiber, no honesty and zero leadership ability. Only the weak of mind and soul and character could follow a worm like him.

Hmm, let's see...

No Character, no Honesty:
Well. he's made some mistakes along the way, I'll give you that..but who hasn't? Would you feel better about his character, had he, oh, I don't know...choked a nurse maybe??

Zero Leadership Ability:
In 2005 created the Clinton Global Initiative which has brought together over 125 current and former heads of state, 15 Nobel Peace Prize winners, and hundreds of global CEOs, philanthropists, and many more, creating more than 1700 commitments, valued at $57 Billion dollars, for Humanitarian efforts all over the world.

Yeah, I see what you mean.. Better he should resort to rolling around the country in a truck, repeatedly blasting politicians on an internet forum where the members have been lambasted, by him, about how inept, crooked, and unworthy said politicians are..yeah, he's just no good...

Oh, and he used to hunt ducks! What a horrible man!
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Hmm, let's see...

No Character, no Honesty:
Well. he's made some mistakes along the way, I'll give you that..but who hasn't? Would you feel better about his character, had he, oh, I don't know...choked a nurse maybe??

Zero Leadership Ability:
In 2005 created the Clinton Global Initiative which has brought together over 125 current and former heads of state, 15 Nobel Peace Prize winners, and hundreds of global CEOs, philanthropists, and many more, creating more than 1700 commitments, valued at $57 Billion dollars, for Humanitarian efforts all over the world.

Yeah, I see what you mean.. Better he should resort to rolling around the country in a truck, repeatedly blasting politicians on an internet forum where the members have been lambasted, by him, about how inept, crooked, and unworthy said politicians are..yeah, he's just no good...

Oh, and he used to hunt ducks! What a horrible man!

Let's see, I refuse to in into a personal "goober" match with you. Drop all personal stuff, it has NO place in these forums and only serves to degrade them. Politicians are PUBLIC figures and are there for fair game for lambasting here. You and I are NOT.

His lying in court, his life long womanizing etc, are NOT mistakes, they show a pattern in his life. That pattern shows a distinct lact of honesty and moral fiber. Those are NOT mistakes they are how he lives his life, how he CHOSES to live his life. I doubt if you would trust your daughter to be alone with him (if you have one). I know if I had one I would not want that PIG any where near her!!

Your example of leadership has no bearing on his job as President of the United States and Commander in Chief of the military. He was a total failure as CnC and we are STILL paying for his stupidity in that part of his job to this very day. The success of the attacks on 9/11 can be traced directly to his inability to do his job as CnC and his unwillingness to heed the advice of those with much greater knowlege and experience that those fields.

It is my RIGHT as an American to "roll around the country in a truck" and blast these bums. Just as it is YOUR right to "roll around the country in a truck" and excuse thier bad and often illegal behaivior.

Hunt duck? There is NO record in the State of AR that he ever held a hunting license in that state at any age. IF he ever hunting it is likely that he did so illegally. His PUBLIC show in MD while president was a JOKE. His hunting coat still had prices tags hanging from it and he looking like he had never been in that world. He was clearly uncomfortable and had NO idea how to handle himself. He does NOT seem to hunt duck today either. NO REAL duck hunter that claimed to have loved it as much as he claimed would ever quit.


Veteran Expediter
Well the point I am trying to make is the GOP is falling apart because of the denial of the leadership that the tea party movement is actually something good for them which has caught the attention of Clinton.

Regardless what he is or lacks, it is surprising that he would even say this, something he would not 10 years ago. Some see it as a setup for Hillary, who may end up getting the DNC behind her after the messiah has fallen but others see it as the real wakeup call for both parties that it may not be business as usual in Washington much longer.

As for Clinton's charity, I side with a critic of Warren Buffet and Bill Gate - Charity begins at home. As much as it sounds great he and others pledge all this money to the world, the world is not the place that gave them the money in the first place. Like Clinton, they owe the country and the people first, not some African nation where they have been getting money but refuse to be taught how to govern themselves above a 14th century level.


Veteran Expediter
Let's see, I refuse to in into a personal "goober" match with you. Drop all personal stuff, it has NO place in these forums and only serves to degrade them. Politicians are PUBLIC figures and are there for fair game for lambasting here. You and I are NOT.

I was once the president of the David Cassidy fan club in my neighborhood. I think that classifies me as public figure, so lambaste away my friend.

His lying in court, his life long womanizing etc, are NOT mistakes, they show a pattern in his life. That pattern shows a distinct lact of honesty and moral fiber. Those are NOT mistakes they are how he lives his life, how he CHOSES to live his life. I doubt if you would trust your daughter to be alone with him (if you have one). I know if I had one I would not want that PIG any where near her!!
To my knowledge, he lied once in court. That hardly qualifies as a pattern.

Your example of leadership has no bearing on his job as President of the United States and Commander in Chief of the military.

Oh yeah? What does?

He was a total failure as CnC and we are STILL paying for his stupidity in that part of his job to this very day. The success of the attacks on 9/11 can be traced directly to his inability to do his job as CnC and his unwillingness to heed the advice of those with much greater knowlege and experience that those fields
Uh huh...blah blah..Prove it.

It is my RIGHT as an American to "roll around the country in a truck" and blast these bums. Just as it is YOUR right to "roll around the country in a truck" and excuse thier bad and often illegal behaivior.
You are quite right. Just calling a spade a spade..

Hunt duck? There is NO record in the State of AR that he ever held a hunting license in that state at any age. IF he ever hunting it is likely that he did so illegally. His PUBLIC show in MD while president was a JOKE. His hunting coat still had prices tags hanging from it and he looking like he had never been in that world. He was clearly uncomfortable and had NO idea how to handle himself. He does NOT seem to hunt duck today either. NO REAL duck hunter that claimed to have loved it as much as he claimed would ever quit.

Been down to Arkansas to check it out have you? My new hunting coat still has tags on it too. So what?