Is America broke? Broken? Or breaking?


Veteran Expediter
Several months ago I suggested America was going into uncharted waters with risky government schemes and unscrupulous corporate shenanigans. We can't afford a trillion dollar war and a trillion dollar bailout for Wall Street and a bailout for the Big 3 automakers and endless other bailouts. It has been reported the credit card industry and the student loan people want bailouts. too. This madness has to stop, but I fear the horse is already out of the barn now.
Suppose the President and Congress agree to legislation on bailouts for Wall Street. The American taxpayer gets the bill. How much more taxation can we support? Higher taxation diminishes the incentive to work harder and get ahead. With baby boomers getting ready to retire, our tax burden was about to swell exponentially.
Now, we are asked to trust the goverment again. To hear them tell it, we are only days away from full blown panic. Images of 1929. A run on the banks is imminent some say. I never really expected to see or hear these things in my lifetime. It is all happening so fast and who can be trusted to tell us the truth? The impending unraveling of the American economy may or may not be at hand. I have no way of knowing. Can an empire as great as the United States of America fall apart so quickly? In our current vulnerability, can you imagine the mischief our enemies can visit upon us right now. Are we lambs being led to slaughter?
One thing is for sure: we have been failed by our political leadership. As a conservative, it pains me to see these mistakes cascade one on top of another. I don't think the bailouts will fix the underlying problems. The bailouts will only buy us a little more time. Measured in weeks or months. Then the other shoe drops.


Veteran Expediter
Amazing: Last year I was Begging, Demanding, Needed a Price Increase due to the fuel going from $2.85 a gallon all the way to $4.50+ until I recieved a stiphin from CHRYSLER. It was costing me over $100.00 a day to put fuel in my truck that was comming right from my wallet.

A run I was netting close to $500.00 a day was cut down into the mid 3s. Think Chrysler cared about its suppliers?

I do not harbor ps poor feelings toward them, as I could have walked which is what ended up happening. But for our Government to bail out the Auto Industry?




Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
We won't get any help because we can't donate millions to elections campains. It is that simple. These b*stards know we will still vote them in every election no matter what happens. It is OUT fault. WE asked for it. WE are STILL asking for it. Free this and free that and entitled to this and that. What do you expect. For the most part any more this nation is whinny, lazy and dumb. Just what they have been planning on for years. Vote out EVERY incumbent in the house and senate, EVERY election or just get used to what we have. We are all at fault. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
america is NOT broke. Us some are having a hard time and some worse then others, but those that have, while changing their lifestyle a bit will do just fine and the investment class will make money off of this.

As for the government bailing out ths industry, as was said, we don't give enough in campiagn funds. And the teamsters don't wheel the power they once did..........

Our government just stole from the money they have stole from us all along............


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The Teamsters, UAW etc are nothing more than big companies. They have about as much concern for thier memebers than big trucking companies or the Big 3. I no longer think unions do what they set out to do. They tend, for the most part, to push hard for socialism. They tend to back candidates that do not believe in freedom. They endorse canditates that are anti-gun, anti-hunting, anti-free market. I come from a union family. My grand-fathers were big in the UMW. My dad was a Teamster, so was I for a while. I don't believe they stand for what they were formed for. WE are the powere, we just do not exercise it. The "union bosses" , for lack of a better term, will tell the rank and file to "pull the D lever" and the members will. My dad most likely will. He does not believe that Osama Obama will work hard to outlaw private gun ownership. He says that the Teamsters would not push someone who would do that. It is easy, just vote out every emcombent, every election. Take control of the government as we are susposed to, otherwise they WILL control you. Layoutshooter


Retired Expediter
Unions have always been socialists....I can't believe they had such a big following down here....UAW...steelworkers, the trade unions....Its a socialist idea...take from the rich and share amongst the poor...everyone equal....yeah right!

Ever see the minister or priest in a poor district... just before the offerings there will be NO offerings as YOU the people need the money more than I do????


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
As long as there is a one sided press advantage- thru all networks, America will always be UP/DOWN thru the media's eye..this bailout is proof.. Broke back barney and chris dodge are actually commentating on cnn, when their 2005,2006,2007 votes are on record..mean- while cnn reported this weekend that GOV. PALIN built a highway.. 30 attack slimy lawyers and reporters could had down loaded google earth..or watched it on BILIARS 1929 TV set!!. WAKE UP AMERICA


Veteran Expediter
At this point in time, I don't trust anyone wearing a suit and tie. My barber has a better grasp of sound economic principles than does many on Wall Street or in Congress. I wouldn't be too surprised to see an increase in crime, civil disobedience, anything just short of a general uprising because our government has broken faith with the people.
Our money is backed by "the full faith and credit" of the U.S. government. Really now, we need to get back to real value. Seems nearly everything is overpriced and wages haven't kept up. The pendulum needs to swing the other way to reach some sort of equilibrium. Unbridled greed, cheap and easy credit... good grief. We gotta become a nation of savers, thrifty and frugal. Like our parents and grandparents. Otherwise, we as a nation, are in the first inning of a long downward spiral. I can't help but worry the Chinese and Russians are rubbing their hands with glee at the prospect of wounded America.


Veteran Expediter
Vote them all out!! It is the ONLY answer!!!! layoutshooter

Ya well that why our Fore Fathers gave us the right to Bear Arms just incase we need to Clean up The Govt so to speak.

I dont think voting them out will do any good all Politicians Lie out their U Know what any way.

Even ABE wasnt an Angel. HG

Washington realy choped down the Cherrie Tree

And Jefferson well Heck he had an affair just Billy, or Should I self William Jefferson Clinton.

Lets not forget Ole JFK and Marilyn Monroe,

In any case

Ronnie was a movie star

Ford He was the Fall Guy

Jimmy Carter couldnt get the Hostage situation right and Lost the Panama Cannal

George Bush Senior Well He just lost to a Player any way

George junior got hooked on the song 'ITs time to Bomb Sadum and lost all touch with Bin Lauden and Alkida.

Nixon and the Water Gate oh well He got caught taping who cares.

Johonson well U all know what Johnson did or do ya.

Think about it, all to fast dont U think. Hmmm

Have a nice day

Oh by the way

777 on the Ny
and 8 % on the S&P

Pendalosie and her wonderful speech I guess the Republicans just couldnt stand the truth.

But what the heck Im not a Demo or Rep
I just vote for the one I thinks going to do the Blue Collar worker the Best.

Think about it. :)


Not a Member
We won't get any help because we can't donate millions to elections campains. It is that simple. These b*stards know we will still vote them in every election no matter what happens. It is OUT fault. WE asked for it. WE are STILL asking for it. Free this and free that and entitled to this and that. What do you expect. For the most part any more this nation is whinny, lazy and dumb. Just what they have been planning on for years. Vote out EVERY incumbent in the house and senate, EVERY election or just get used to what we have. We are all at fault. Layoutshooter

I have to agree with you 100 percent..Better watch it you will be labeled an antisemitic,anti zionist conspiracy believing radical like me...:rolleyes:


Seasoned Expediter
Broke, Broken or Breaking????? Good question, I’m not sure which stage we are at, but certainly one of them applies, I‘m leaning towards broken but am hopeful it‘s only breaking. I know I have had enough, and I let my representatives in DC know that. I don't think we need to vote all of them out though, it’s kind of like saying throw the baby out with the bath water. We certainly can send a strong message by getting a lot of them out of there, check their voting records, know what they believe in and stand for by viewing their actions; not some speech, commercial, 10 sec sound bite or even their web site or published platform. If you don't know how to find their voting record use this site - Project Vote Smart - American Government, Elections, Candidates and Voting.

As far as this bail out, enough is enough. It's unconstitutional, it's socialism, that should be enough said. BUT I might, and I do stress MIGHT, be able to swallow that very bitter horse pill, if and only if I could trust the government on the next four points... 1) that this would be temporary (they claim all assets would be sold back in 5 yrs), sorry Washington I just don't trust you 2) there would be no more bailouts for any one for any reason, even if they promised I still have the trust issue 3) They guarantee me this would stop the economic crisis and give the economy a 180 turn around, I guarantee you can't find anyone making that promise 4) they guarantee they would run this efficiently so that all monies would be recouped (yeah, you have a great track record on efficiency).

I get offended when I hear them make comments such as "the people just don't understand, this effects Main St as well as Wall St". Sorry Washington, yes I do understand it, I know times would get very rough for a lot of people including some of my loved ones. I know some of my family and friends would loose their jobs, loose their homes, loose their retirements and dare I say it, people would have to learn to live on less than they make instead of plastic. My dad was planning on retiring in Feb, but after seeing his 401k loose 20% of it's value in about a year he is too afraid to. I do fear for my mom and dad, but at what cost, that of my grandchildren? Thanks Washington, it’s kind of like asking me who do you love more, your parents or your grandchildren. It may seem cold and cruel to say this, but I believe we will pay for our greed and gluttonous behavior. We will suffer as a result of not learning the lessons of history. There is a toll due us when we allowed ourselves to became so arrogant that we believed it couldn't happen to us. Quite frankly, I believe the sooner we fall the sooner we can pick our selves up and start on the road to recovery.

There is plenty of blame to go around for the situation we are in. The government, all branches, all parties have plenty of blame going back decades. Any politician that claims they have no fault in this mess, well that should be a clear clue to you that they need a new job. We the people have plenty of blame also, we sold our financial souls to the world of credit. Most of us had the attitude “of course I can afford it because I can make the payments“. We also didn’t keep an eye on those we sent to represent us. It’s kind of hard to be angry with the wolves for eating the chickens when we left them in charge of the hen house knowing their nature. Granted some of those wolves came to us in a sheep’s costume, but we refused to see their teeth glaring right at us. And of course the greed of many executives on Wall St had a heavy hand in this, and they should loose any and all wealth gained by unscrupulous practices. We must get back to idea that this is a government of the people, by the people, for the people. We must let go of the idea the government is of the elite, and is there to do for us because we can’t or won’t do for ourselves. Our government cannot fix this. If we have any hope of averting the doom and gloom, it will be Main St. that does it, but only if we can get Washington out of our way.