IRP Record Keeping.


Expert Expediter
I just use the quarterly Fuel Tax Reports we get from Panther - they have all the information you need on them.

I just add up the mileage for each state, from each quarterly report. It sounds like a hassle but it really isn't.

Have fun!! I just did ours about a month ago. Of course, I am still waiting for the invoice to come in - Harrisburg really needs to get a better system!


Veteran Expediter
ive tried the recorder,but then when I need it I cant find it,every time I stop,or cross state line I write down where I am,makes easier to do logs that way too


Expert Expediter
You people have got to quit making things so hard on yourselves. Go out and spend the $1000.00 and get a Garmin, or similar, dash mount GPS. There are several ways to find/keep track of mileage. I keep track of oil change intervals, fuel/mileage economy, and how many miles I drove before and after mid-night while on the same shift. No math to do! Gps is good for finding my way too. HA!

Use Quarterly Fuel tax reports from Panther for IRP. If you don't have them, call Panther and tell them what you want. They will gladly fax or e-mail the reports for the previous quarter/year to you. I just had mine sent to me so I could use it for my taxes.