Irish PM in unprecedented attack on Vatican


Veteran Expediter
BBC News

Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny has launched an unprecedented attack on the Catholic Church in parliament.

He said the recent Cloyne Report into how allegations of sex abuse by priests in Cork had been covered up showed change was urgently needed.

Mr Kenny said the historic relationship between church and state in Ireland could not be the same again.

He said the report exposed the elitism, dysfunction, disconnection, and narcissism that dominated the Vatican.

"The rape and torture of children were downplayed or 'managed' to uphold instead the primacy of the institution, its power, standing and 'reputation'," the taoiseach said.


"The revelations of the Cloyne Report have brought the government, Irish Catholics and the Vatican to an unprecedented juncture."

Opposition leader Michael Martin said that when he met the Papal Nuncio after the Murphy report into the cover-up of abuse in the Dublin diocese in 2009, he told him the government expected the full cooperation of the Vatican into the Cloyne inquiry.

However, he said, the Vatican chose to focus on the interests of the church rather than the children abused by its clergy and shielded by its leaders.

During the debate, the church was called upon to publish the audits currently being sent to every Catholic diocese in the country.

Sinn Fein spokesperson on health and children Caoimhghin O'Caolain said the government should consider coordinating with the Northern Ireland Executive on any future inquiries - particularly as four of the Catholic dioceses straddle the border.


Veteran Expediter
Unless they left out the "attacks", I didn't see any.

IMO - if you say anything negative about the Vatican, its classed as an attack (verbal).
But for a Prime Minister of a Country that is virtually all Catholic, to launch any sort of negativity against the Vatican is, at the very least, highly unusual.

"Mr Kenny said the historic relationship between church and state in Ireland could not be the same again.

He said the report exposed the elitism, dysfunction, disconnection, and narcissism that dominated the Vatican.

"The rape and torture of children were downplayed or 'managed' to uphold instead the primacy of the institution, its power, standing and 'reputation',...."


Veteran Expediter
Sue, I don't get into Irish politics much but from what I heard about Kenny, he isn't messing around. I wonder if the church will throw him out for this.


Veteran Expediter
Sue, I don't get into Irish politics much but from what I heard about Kenny, he isn't messing around. I wonder if the church will throw him out for this.

Actually nor do I - but this was a scathing attack on the Vatican and from Ireland - wow :eek:

IMO its about time somebody in high office did this - its long overdue.
The Vatican has a lot to answer for. :mad:


Veteran Expediter
Just to put this into perspective, the American part of the Church doesn't seem to be controlled by the Vatican as it is in Europe and other parts of the world. Our church has had it share of rouge priests and nuns who have taken on causes that go not just against the laws of the country but also the basic principles of the church - on top of the issues of gay child chasing priests.

Now that aside, many here don't understand the significant impact his comments have on the Vatican's image in Ireland or in England for that matter and yes it is long over due. The issue has yet to be addressed properly and when it was addressed in part by the Vatican, it was addressed in a way that was superficial.


Veteran Expediter
Just to put this into perspective, the American part of the Church doesn't seem to be controlled by the Vatican as it is in Europe and other parts of the world. Our church has had it share of rouge priests and nuns who have taken on causes that go not just against the laws of the country but also the basic principles of the church - on top of the issues of gay child chasing priests.

Now that aside, many here don't understand the significant impact his comments have on the Vatican's image in Ireland or in England for that matter and yes it is long over due. The issue has yet to be addressed properly and when it was addressed in part by the Vatican, it was addressed in a way that was superficial.

Thank you for that Greg - I did not realise that at all.

For those interested .... Ireland is a Catholic Country where the Catholic Church and the Pope are beyond question.

This scathing attack by the Irish PM is seen as totally out of character for a such a staunch Catholic Country - which is why it is such a "big" news story.

I wrongly assumed it would be a talking point here also. :eek: