To avoid fees find a bank that you can have your check direct deposted into with internet access. Probably Bank of America (which is not my favorite) Wachovia or another one.
Join OOIDA and get the Truckers Advantage Card, its a fuel card, cash card, repair card. You can fuel up at any truck stop except the J, you need tires they also have a Bridgestone discount program that I personally will buy my next set thru, and also road assistance.
The card works like this, once a week you choose the day. Any charges or cash advances during the past week come out on that day. So if you charge up $1544. that amount needs to be in your checking account come lets say Monday evening at midnight.
No need to carry large amounts of cash anytime you fuel you be asked if you want a cash advance and its FREE. Same with fuel, repairs, and tires no fees, just have the funds available on the day that you arranged to have your account paid for, for the previous week.
So for keeping your operating expenses simple I love this. Personally I carry a Business Visa or a Visa just for Business like hotels etc.. and also one for Personal that I hardley ever use, and a cash card thru my bank. I find it easier to get funds right from this card though.
TruckersAdvantage will E-mail on every transaction has 800 # and has been just absolutly great to work with. Plus you do get .02 off on every gallon purchased.
Very simple program beats the charges we get socked with using a Visa or the risk of carrying around 2K in cash.