Does anybody know where I can find info on replacing shoes and other parts of the braking system on air braked trailers? One question is how to tell if I have inboard or outboard brakes. I have searched all over and had no luck.
Diffence in outboard or inboard is,,Wheter or not ya gotta pull hubs & wheel bearings..
Exp; Pull wheels and tires,, ya will see the brake drum,,,it will come off without having to mess with hubs,,just back off the brakes and drum will come off...This is outboard.....
Its not that hard to do a brake job,,,springs can be tought but not that hard,,,hook all springs and then install roller using a pry bar to strech springs a bit...ya need to know what to look for wheter or not your going to get into s-cam and bushings at this time....slack adjusters,,,brake chambers...this is all part of brake job,,,make sure ya know what your doing or get some one to help ya thats done it before...rember Brake chambers can be deadly,,,so can lifting any heavy equipt without right shop equipt..