I am not signed on with any large carrier I haul with a cargo van for 2 air freight carriers. My normal rate is 1.25 per mile and I usually do not get a back haul. I had an offer today for a 750 mile run at 1.00 per mile. I said no. What would you guys have done?
Business class 1on1 :
* the run pay 750$ , with a chance of a back haul
= this is your revenue .
* it will take 1,500 mil to complete
the owner is driving a CargoVan ,
lets say it costs 30C/M to move the Van (fuel ,maintenance ,tolls,...) = 450$
it will take 2 days to complete the trip.
*dose 300$ in 2 days enough to cover up for the
FIXED Costs ???
(insurance ,food ,payments, phone, internet ,tags ,health care ,(QC) ,occ ,pre-pass ,...)
*only the owner can answer that ,it will depend of where he is standing in his quarterly business plan.