I think there's a decimal problem somewhere. To save $5B based on a 4% savings would mean the original expense was $125 Billion. I'm sure they spend quite a bit but don't think it's that much. Perhaps million is the scale.
I stand corrected,
I should have checked my math more carefully.
It should read 50 Million Dollars not 5 Billion dollars
Thanks LBD, glad someone is paying attention.
6 million miles a day x 365 days = 2.2 billion annual miles
(5+ million loaded miles per day from Schneiders web site and assuming a conservative 20% deadhead miles)
2,200,000,000 / 7.0 mpg = 312,857,143 annual gallons
312,857,143 gallons x $4.00 gallon = $1,251,428,572 annual fuel cost
$1,251,428,572 x .04% fuel savings = $ 50,057,143 annual savings... 50 Million Dollars
if AirTabs worked as promised.
If they worked...
They would test them in a way to PROVE IT.
Then they would sell them to every big carrier.
See : Information Bridge: DOE Scientific and Technical Information - Sponsored by OSTI
"We had originally planned on testing the fuel saving ability of the products with a fleet
partner. However, the fleets we talked to about design issues, as well as the Freightliner LLC
engineers that helped us with our first operations/road test, made it clear that SAE J1321 type II
standardized tests performed by a respected facility were absolutely necessary to gain market
acceptance. For example, a letter from Schneider National (Americas largest private carrier) is
attached (see supplemental information figure 11) which informed us that they do not consider
any product without SAE/TMC test results. Fleet owners are very skeptical of fuel savings
products because they are often approached by companies marketing ineffective products with
exaggerated claims and questionable “test results”."
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