Turtle, how do you add info to the scansheet and get it to print correctly? do you have a template or something similar? I like this idea very much and would love to know how you are doing it
Yeah, I've edited (or created from scratch) the PDF files with Adobe Acrobat and Designer so you can fill out the various fields on the computer, then print it out. I have one for the PARS cover sheet, Pro paperwork (transflo), ViaSafe, as well as the Quarterly Maintenance Report. You can fill out the fields that are the same for every time, like your name, truck#, etc., then do a save-as to save your customized master. Then use that form each time in the future. Fill it out, print it, then when you close it and it asks if you want to save it, say no.
The quarterly maintenenace report, I just fill that out as I do maintenance and repairs during the quarter, then at the end of the quarter I simply e-mail it into Andrea in Safety, since she's the one in charge of those things.
I have a blank master copy of each form, and then a customized master that I use each time I need one, and I also save a separate completed copy of the quarterly reports saved.
They're actually kinda kewl, ifIdosaysomyself, with calendar date drop-downs and stuff. But they can easily be edited again in Adobe Designer. The quarterly maintenance form even has a promt for you to create, and thus use, an electronic signature instead of having to print it out and either mail or scan it.
Here's all 4 forms in a 1.64MB Zip. Unzip the files to customize, and leave the zipped files alone as the masters backup.
[url=http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=b7f19bb7f9f90a27ab1eab3e9fa335ca0faf15d98d3b9256]Panther Forms[/URL]
If you have any problems with these, what can I say, you get what you pay for.
Seriously, any problems, let me know. All you need to fill these out is Acrobat Reader. Don't need the full Adobe Acrobat with Live Cycle Designer unless you want to edit them.