In the shadows


Veteran Expediter
I was just on the phone and the subject of Obama's VP came up. The girl on the phone mentioned that who ever will be the VP will have a very hard time during the election and into the administration, especially if they presently hold office. See the reasoning behind this thinking is that we have a rock star candidate who has a lot of arrogance and a touch of elitism in his manners and attitude, it may be very hard for him to share the spot light with someone else who may replace him.

ALSO just another one of them cult of Obama thoughts but I expect to hear if he gets elected to repleal the two term limit for the office, I would go so far to say that the 'people' will be screaming for it to be done like they have been screaming for the $300 billion plus bailout.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Yer gettin' a little cynical, I think. :D

People are already referring to him as President Obama. Guess they can't remember his first name. That, or it sounds too Klingon.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
It's a shame that Carlin will be remembered for the 7 dirty words. He was so much more. The greatest wordsmith ever!


Retired Expediter
It's a shame that Carlin will be remembered for the 7 dirty words. He was so much more. The greatest wordsmith ever!

yup...he woulda made a great nonsense, tell it like it is, take it or leave it, heres the door....

Like George said about the elections.. garbage out...garbage in....
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Black Sheep

Expert Expediter
Really no need to use his full name when you think about it - his first and last name are just as Islamic as the middle, assuming that's the point you want to make. However, presidents' full names are used more often than most people. Maybe we could refer to him as "H" like we do "W". Or how about BHO?