RE: Improbable Collapse : The Demolition of our Re
I am not directing this to you Stanley, I just want to point out a few things.
Understand that all of this stuff started the day the event happened and many of us who were worked there and privy to a lot more info than most find it rather tiring. I think that many have too much time on their hands and want to make a name for themselves.
Now many think that there is a comparison of the incident in 1944 with the B-25 and the Empire State and WTC-1/2, there are a few simple big differences that make the argument somewhat fruitless.
First thing is the structure of the older building is build completely different from the newer buildings. The metal infrastructure uses different metal and a completely different design. The older building was built at a time when they had less engineering put in the building design itself but the metallurgy of the metal was a little better to handle stresses because of the mass of the infrastructure. The WTC-1/2 collapsed was caused by inability to hold any weight after being heated near white heat level.
ALSO something that many overlook is that WTC-7 was cheaply put up and the design of the building was not up to the same standards as 1 and 2, it was the newest building on the complex.
Second the B-25 Mitchell (medium sized aircraft) has;
A fuel 950 gallon usable capacity
Weighs 21,100 pounds empty
33,000 pounds generally loaded
Has TWO 1700 HP engines
Has a cruise speed of 230 MPH but estimated that it hit the building at less than 180 MPH
In comparison
The Boeing 757/767 has;
A fuel capacity of 24,000 gallons of jet fuel
A weight of around 375,000 loaded depending on the configurations and passenger load
Generates 126,600 lb of thrust from two engines
Has a cruise speed of 530 MPH but was accelerating (meaning maximum thrust) when they hit the WTC – 1/2 and I understand was around 250 MPH and increasing.
Oh one last thing, the owner of the WTC-7 did not have the ‘right’ to make the call to demo the building, however he did have the right to pull the rescue people out of the building. He has to confer and answer to the people who insured and financed the building - especially the latter, so he can only do what they say. I know that the insurance people were not talking to him until long after he had the rescue people get out and the finance people didn't talk to him until somethig like two days after. The media and kooks have simplified the situation with WTC-7 and the adjacent building's damage and many who have come up with some of these theories have never been to the site before or after. Sorry now I am venting.