Well there's nothing like a little daily dose of
Rupert Murdoch et al to get the faux righteous indignation stirring and the blood a-pumpin' I suppose .....
Well, of course you can - if you actually
listen to
him -
rather than to someone who claims to be reporting what he said.
Of course,
actually doing that would also require that you heard what
he was actually saying -
as opposed to substituting your own idea of what you really wish he had said, and how he had said it.
Do you have any shred of evidence whatsoever - no matter how slight - that he did any fund-raising on this trip ?
For Cordoba House ....
or for anything ?
Or are you just spouting off with more of the
"Gee, I think I'll just invent "the facts" as I go along ...." type stuff that seems so commonplace here in the Soapbox ?
I didn't read it as threat at all - I took what he had to say as a savvy assessment by someone who is politically smart, and probably particularly streetwise, when it comes to the Muslim street -
and the ability of radical Islamists to inflame it by using what we do against us.
Might be why more than one administration has seen fit to use this guy ....
Too bad you didn't use the entirety of what he actually said, that was the basis of the above (partial) quote:
"The headlines in the Muslim world will be that Islam is under attack. The danger from the radicals in the Muslim world to our national security, to the national security of our troops .... I have a niece who works in the Army and served in Iraq .... the concern for Amercian citizens who live and work and travel overseas .... will be increasingly compromised if the radicals are strengthened."
Maybe instead you and other like-minded individuals could all get together and do a traveling roadshow - you could lay in a supply of United States flags, copies of the Holy Bible, and then go visit each of the Founding Fathers graves.
When you get to each individual gravesite you could put a United States flag over the grave, and then place a Bible on the flag,
and then you can all jointly take a dump on all three ..... grave, flag, and Bible ....
Maybe top it off with a little Koran burning, and a rousing repetitive chorus of
"Kill them all and let Allah sort them out" .....
Ahhh yes .....
Boobus Americanus as the last bastion of personal liberty, supporting individual religious freedom for Americans, one and all .....
Tell me, oh wise Mayflower traveller - how many mosques do they already have in Manhattan exactly, and how does one determine when there is "enough" of any house of worship ?
I would think it would be up to potential congregants to determine whether the number was sufficient ....
but it appears you have something else in mind ?
His bellicose language ?
What - are you currently using some sort of mind-altering, hallucinatory drug ?
Actually, his language wasn't at all bellicose .... to make that observation one would only have to view and listen to the interview he gave to Soledad O'Brien on Larry King last night (said interview being the basis of the article you read) -
as opposed to wistfully dreaming in one's own head as to how the interview might have went:
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf on Larry King Live Part 1
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf on Larry King Live Part 2
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf on Larry King Live Part 3
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf on Larry King Live Part 4
However there can be little doubt that the language in your post above is bellicose ...... in fact, as a matter of course, your statements are
routinely bellicose ........
mostly in respect to denying and abrogating the rights of others ....
bellicose ..... yeah, sorta like the retard in Florida who was planning a little campfire get together (
using someone else's religious literature) ...... such folks often are so engrossed with thumping their chests, that they often fail to see the bigger picture ......
In the
Right Rev. Goober "Gator" Retard's case, it took a personal call from the
Secretary of Defense to enlighten him on what the potential consequences of his ill-advised actions might just be, for both our troops which are serving overseas, and individual US citizens who travel abroad.
But it's seriously doubtful that "stupid" can ever really be fixed .... and as evidence of that, Gator's now recanted ....
and says he's only "postponed" the Koran burning, not cancelled it ....
Of course, Gator was no doubt so caught up in the fever, since he undoubtedly (in his own mind at least) had Jesus sitting there, in the copilot's seat, with His hands on the stick as well ......
Since, in terms of the big picture of world stage, you (and I, for that matter) are really less significant than
a pimple on the butt of Osama Bin Laden or Ayman al-Zawahiri, we probably can't hope for Robert Gates to pick up the phone and rescue us from the insanity that you propose .....
but here's to hoping he will .....
But hey, who knows - if ya keep trying, you might actually someday make it up to Gator's level ..... and through
irresponsible and thoughtless words and deeds cause rioting in the streets around the world, and maybe even a few deaths of some innocent people somewhere .....