I'm So Glad


Veteran Expediter
I'm so glad we don't have any of these problems on our EO forums!!


Trolls and other nasty creatures

I have observed that many forums have been invaded by trolls,ogres,slime-nits and forum goblins.

Trolls are those that drop in on a forum under different guises to stir the pot. They carry a big rusty pole and stir around the mud and bring up subjects,just to see who will bite on them.They generally drop their troll bombs and watch in silence with considerable glee, as the hoards snap and bite at each other till blood is drawn.
These creature are a hit and run and never bother to add their opinion.

Ogres are much like trolls but these cowardly,intellectually stunted monsters often use name calling as part of their repartee,they have a limited vocabulary for the names they use though.
You will notice that they tend to use words like....moron,stupid,and dummy.They are quick to anger and are known to be easily lead though,just keep posting to them and sure enough they come right back! They get to the point that they stomp their ogre feet and swear they will never come back,but then sneak back in through the backdoor when they think no one is looking.

Slime-nits are bottom feeders that are small creatures that cling to certain trolls and ogres. Like a groupie or an adoring fan. They follow the trolls and ogres posts witha religious like zeal and agree and coddle and generally give their life over to their hero troll/ogre. Their loyalty is somewhat short lived as is their attention span. If it looks like their chosen God/Goddess troll/ogre seems to be losing the battle,the slime-nit will slip quietly away in search of another hero to attach themselves too. These insignificant creatures have been known to have a "flavor of the week" for hero-worship. They change their adoration quickly as soon as they notice that another troll/ogre is paying attention to them or if their chosen one decides that the slime-nit isn't worthy of them and tries to exterminate the slime-nit.

Then we have a monster I like to call a Forum Goblin. These creatures are boastful and tend to be bullies. They always feel that what they say is right and no mere human should ever question what they say as law! They tend to belittle any other that has a differing opinion. When cornered these goblins do resort to copy and pasting opinions or verses that are not their own. Or they will pick apart a humans opinion and twist it around to the point it is no longer recognizable. Forum goblins are very hard headed and have skin of steel. They are impossible to get rid of. Forum goblins also get extremely upset when confronted with words using more then 4 letters in them.

Of all the things I've lost in my life, I think I miss my mind the most!!


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
Did you know Diet Pepsi burns when you shoot it out your nose?

Thanks Diva, I needed that.. this changing Ohio weather had me all stuffed up...LOL.. how true tho, sad but true.. just never seen 'em defined like that..

Only one you missed was those guys with 3 or 4 screen names who answer themselves to keep the arguement going, or support themselves..LOL


(doin the wave for Diva)

[img src="http://www.emotipad.com/liteemoticons/Mexican%20Wave.gif"]


Veteran Expediter
Thanks for the wave Dreamer. How'd ya do that? I'm not going to repeat myself on that Diet Pepsi thing, people will start to think I'm getting old!!

Of all the things I've lost in my life, I think I miss my mind the most!!


Veteran Expediter
Hey Nancy, thanks for the link! Were you able to do this little trick?

Of all the things I've lost in my life, I think I miss my mind the most!!


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
LOL.. fun aren't they? www.emotipad.com it is a download, for those who don't like downloads.... be forwarned...

They have several versions, you can add stuff on to emails, or bulletin boards...

I downloaded the emotipad lite free version, then for here I just add the html tags <img src=" etc.... replace <

with brackets for EO.

too much fun! ( and Diet Pepsi rules Diva..LOL)



Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
Hahahaha.. glad you liked em! My bored mind has to find new toys!

The reason you're gettin the lil placeholder box is you have the preferences set wrong.. display the emotipad box, and click 'options'
then on 'preferences'.. click on 'drag drop' to set your display preferences, and set it to HTML. x out of the options box, and then when you have the smiley's showing, you will see you boxes under 'Browser'.. left is for forum posting, the right one is for email. Make sure you have the forum box clicked, then 'drag and drop' your smiley over to your post..

it will come out like this...one of my fav's...LOL..


for this board, you need replace the <> with brackets and you'll get this....

Oh wait, this board is PG-13, so maybe someone should [img src="http://www.emotipad.com/liteemoticons/Smack%20Bottom.gif"] ME!

Heh heh



Expert Expediter
>Hahahaha.. glad you liked em! My bored mind has to find new

>it will come out like this...one of my fav's...LOL..

>for this board, you need replace the <> with brackets and
>you'll get this....
>Oh wait, this board is PG-13, so maybe someone should [img >src="http://www.emotipad.com/liteemoticons/Smack%20Bottom.gif"]
> ME!
>Heh heh

What you need to do is click options>preferences>DragDrop and click custom. Then edit the boxes to:
[img src="http://www.thesoulgirl.com/emotis/glitterykaren.gif"]

Hope you didn't mind me butting in.

Karen x

Edit: I can't even get my signature right LOL


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member

Thank you for your tip...hmmm,now if you can tell me how to enlarge them?



Expert Expediter
You can only enlarge them if you have a gif animation editor. You cannot enlarge them without making them pixelated though so they will look parp.

It would mean that you would have to edit the whole animation and some of them are more than 30 frames!


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member

Sounds way to technical for me..you must be a compu-guru-godess-master!




Expert Expediter
:D I have been called many things but never a god :D Im the author of the program you are discussing here, that's why I know a lot about it :)

If you check out the 'About' screen under Options, you will see a little cartoon of me :D Not to mention the funky track that gets played :D


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
>Im the author of the program you are discussing here, that's why I
>know a lot about it :)

Hey soulgirl!

OH MY GAWD, you are a compu-guru-godess-master!!! Thank you so much for helping us out with the software. As you can see, we are having great fun with it and some of us have aready downloaded the full version! Come on the rest of you out there! Isn't it amazing that the author of the program we all are enjoying, not to mention,having a really fun time with, has taken the time to answer our concerns personally?? I thank you once again soulgirl and love the program so far! I'll bet the full version will be packed with lots of fun and great little images! I can't wait to download it now!

If you don't mind me asking, how did you find us here?

Thanks again,


Veteran Expediter
McBride, you are SO right, we're all having a blast with this new program. Maybe we could talk Soulgirl into sticking around, I'll bet our members have a MULTITUDE of questions they would like to bombard her with. OOPS, better be careful, I might scare her away!!

Of all the things I've lost in my life, I think I miss my mind the most!!


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Do you have to download the program for the animations to move? The images are there, but don't move when viewing the posts on my PC.