Be your own boss and you can control how well you do! What a great statement it is sink or swim and it will be your decisions.
There are negatives out here you have no control over but why concentrate on them look at what you can control and first is attitude. You want this to be great and you are willing to do what it takes to make it great it will be great for you.
We did have experience not in expediting but what trucks stops are like, what customers are like, what it is like to find a customer with bad directions, and what it is like when the weather is bad and you would just as soon stay in your nice and toasty stationary truck but the load has to move.
As an owner you get to look at your income and decide when you can go home, when you have the money to take in the tourist type stuff where you are sitting, when you want to accept a load or not that is going into an area you do not like or you see a storm heading that way.
There is nothing like the feeling of owning your own truck and destiny driving down the interstate watching the sunrise over mountains and a great new day beginning. You will be amazed at the pride you will feel in getting through a rough city to drive in, the ability to back into tight spaces, and the ability to get through a tough situation. When the QUALCOMM beeps and you look at the load offer that has amazing pay and know it is all going in your bank account and you do not have to share! The amazing feeling when you pay that truck off and how much better it drives going down the road. You two will make the decisions of what you want to add to your truck to make it more like home as it does become your home away from home. The feeling of pride when you walk through the truck stop and see your pride and joy sitting there between all the company trucks. As I write this Bob is asleep in the back doing what he loves to do sleep in and I am doing what I love to do get up early. Very seldom do we have to wake up to an alarm clock anymore which is great. There is no such thing anymore of this saying Thank god it is Friday or will 5 O’clock ever get here? Who cares what day it is they are all great when you love your job and you love each and every day. It is better if the wheels are turning and making money but if they are not have projects to work on. The “home” always needs something done to it and if you are relaxing watch a movie , beat your husband at Yahtzee and then beat him at Scrabble which is always fun, make plans for your future and your next truck. There is so much to enjoy out here and the main thing is to enjoy each other and the team you are to make all of this work for you.
This way of life was worth waiting for and we enjoy each and every day and are thrilled we no longer have an alarm clock to wake us up, an office with no windows to sit in, and just waiting for the weekends heck everyday is a weekend! Take your time and do it right and you will have no regrets.