Expert Expediter
I just thought I would pass on some information for anyone working for an owner in Ohio. This is all public info btw. If an owner decided not pay you it works like this -
1. Contact Lawyer
2. Lawyer writes demand letter and is give 10 days to respond.
3. If no response is made after 10 days a complaint is filied in court and a letter is sent the owner demanding payment or enough cause not to. They have 28 days to respond.
4. After the 28 days, no more - no less, if no repsonse is given you automaticly win your complaint and the owner is given a summons to apear in court. The reason for the summons is to allow the Plantifs attorney to ask very specific questions pertaning to thier assets - I.E. Where they bank and bank account numbers, Where they work, What they own. Also at this time a Judgment is filed and placed on their credit report, destroying thier credit. Also a lien is placed on all real property till paid. If they do respond and the court warrents it, a court date would be issued to apear and plead your case.
Now, if very specific pereson is reading this - I have sent my own demand letter, my lawyer has sent a letter, were already to step 3...
1. Contact Lawyer
2. Lawyer writes demand letter and is give 10 days to respond.
3. If no response is made after 10 days a complaint is filied in court and a letter is sent the owner demanding payment or enough cause not to. They have 28 days to respond.
4. After the 28 days, no more - no less, if no repsonse is given you automaticly win your complaint and the owner is given a summons to apear in court. The reason for the summons is to allow the Plantifs attorney to ask very specific questions pertaning to thier assets - I.E. Where they bank and bank account numbers, Where they work, What they own. Also at this time a Judgment is filed and placed on their credit report, destroying thier credit. Also a lien is placed on all real property till paid. If they do respond and the court warrents it, a court date would be issued to apear and plead your case.
Now, if very specific pereson is reading this - I have sent my own demand letter, my lawyer has sent a letter, were already to step 3...