If you have a deadbeat owner in Ohio...


Expert Expediter
I just thought I would pass on some information for anyone working for an owner in Ohio. This is all public info btw. If an owner decided not pay you it works like this -
1. Contact Lawyer
2. Lawyer writes demand letter and is give 10 days to respond.
3. If no response is made after 10 days a complaint is filied in court and a letter is sent the owner demanding payment or enough cause not to. They have 28 days to respond.
4. After the 28 days, no more - no less, if no repsonse is given you automaticly win your complaint and the owner is given a summons to apear in court. The reason for the summons is to allow the Plantifs attorney to ask very specific questions pertaning to thier assets - I.E. Where they bank and bank account numbers, Where they work, What they own. Also at this time a Judgment is filed and placed on their credit report, destroying thier credit. Also a lien is placed on all real property till paid. If they do respond and the court warrents it, a court date would be issued to apear and plead your case.

Now, if very specific pereson is reading this - I have sent my own demand letter, my lawyer has sent a letter, were already to step 3...


Just wundering if this is same owner from ohio that stiffed us. In just one week the owner sent another driver home in a greyhound bus cause his first trip the truck broke down.I see him now posting on this place like he be the king of expiditing. Im never going to see the money he owes me but my attorney still says we have time to file.


Well, that's why you sould always sign a lease with folks so you know where you stand if you end up parting way's. Every driver that drives for us sign's a lease. Sorry If your having a hard time getting your money. I have it in my lease if you quit without a notice you have to wait 45 days to get your last settlement.

At one time I had in my lease that if you quit without a 2 week notice your forfited any money owed because the cost of getting a driver put on with FedEx but my wife made me change that. Always sign a lease So you have a leg to stand on if you have to take someone to court. it's just smart Business, the days of a hand shake are done and gone sorry to say.

Drive safe

Dave Mayfield
FEDExCC/Roberts Express O/O Since 3/1/1995


Seasoned Expediter
I have to agree there with Mayfield. You should always sign a lease so everyone knows were they stand. It also protects the Owner and driver. ALway make sure you read it before you sign it to. Always ask questions if there is something you dont understand. I have seen lease's that are 1 page up to 10 pages long. Depends on the owner and how many times they have been burnt by drivers. There are some drivers out there the can ruin it for us good ones. But Mayfield there is one of the most honiest ones I know.

Be safe...HoosierHllyBlly :p


Thanks Brad

You was one of the best driver's we had.I wish you still drove for us. But we didn't have a truck when you came back on the road. Some lucky owner got a good driver.

Drive safe

Dave Mayfield
FEDExCC/Roberts Express O/O Since 3/1/1995


Veteran Expediter
I do not understand why one would hold pay 45 days. With that said in my last business I found it was much easier to end everything ASAP. If I choose to release an employee or contractor, I did a statement and gave it to them right on the spot with a check matching the statement.

Is it not easier to just erase the blackboard and get on with business? If the contractor ended it I than again made it a priority to get the check and statement as well.


>I do not understand why one would hold pay 45 days. With
>that said in my last business I found it was much easier to
>end everything ASAP. If I choose to release an employee or
>contractor, I did a statement and gave it to them right on
>the spot with a check matching the statement.
>Is it not easier to just erase the blackboard and get on
>with business? If the contractor ended it I than again made
>it a priority to get the check and statement as well.

Well the reason for the 45 days is because in the past we had driver's that took the truck into a easypass lane without the transponder and will got a bill for over $600.00 for that. And a freind of mine got his lease pulled from his Company because his driver got into an accident and never reported it to the company he was leased to and he had to pay out over $700.00.

Drive safe

Dave Mayfield
FEDExCC/Roberts Express O/O Since 3/1/1995


Seasoned Expediter
>Satisfy my curiosity....
>No names but what town?
> Mike and Cyn

Last I heard Broompilot drove for C&M. But, he started with FDCC about 2 yrs ago. Hard to tell who he is talking about. I think there may have been abother carrier between these two.