Idleaire reservations?


Expert Expediter
That is why we would not be out on the road without a generator! Not only because of the bull with IdleAir but there are times we have to sit on a base, for a day, before unloading.

Having the generator makes it alot easier!


If you reserve a space at idleair you lose it after 8pm unless you make arrangments to make sure theyh know you are coming in later than 8pm. Also if you are a noshow they charge your a ccount for 10 hours of usage. Now apu's issue i have one cali just announced that if you have a 2007 truck you CAN NOT use an apu on it in their state. Hammond In will ticket you for running an apu. The very same apu that the government has been begging o/o to buy. The Hammond law says all apu's i would love to get a ticker there. No way can it be enforced since by Definition highwas warning signs for construction is using an apu to power the arrows and warning info. The law doesnt give an exemption for any use. So the city is breaking their own law. But i refuse to go into any area that hates truckers and as far as i am concerned if you deny me heat or ac you hate me and don't deserve to be serviced by trucks. They can put their crap on rail or in several mini coopers and ship it that way.