Idleaire reservations?


Veteran Expediter
I’m here in Denver tonight and drove here (over 75 miles out of my way) to use idleaire because of the heat, I deliver Monday morning and wanted to get a good nights sleep and relax one day. I had a fun day!

Well i get here and turn myself around to look for an open spot and they got the barriers in the spots, so I got to the little shed and one of the yellow vested lackey hopped on my running board and told me no spots are open. I was turned away because I didn’t have a reservation even though I found several open spots empty.

Maybe I am just tire of this cr*p at these truck stops or maybe it is I feel that if you want to promote a service and be an asset, you need to explain things up front, like which locations require reservations and what day and time it’s required.

Maybe I come from a different world where you accommodate the guy in your store first before the guy on the phone.


Veteran Expediter

I have had the same thing happen to me when trying to get a hotel room.

Needless to say, I now make a reservation in advance.

It looks as though the same will hold true for IdleAir.

Hopefully, truck stops will have a "Cut-Off" time that opens the spot if the person placing the reservation has not arrived within that time frame.

I'll pray you get some cool weather and a nice breeze this evening.


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Good advertisement for purchasing a APU. Tried it once and got a cab full of hot stale tobacco smoke for air conditioning.

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Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
I dunno Greg. Got a sleeper. Yer in Colorado. Deliver Monday. Is there not some hight ground between where you came from, and where you are going? I certainly don't understand the dilema. If I were going to spend twentyfive bucks a nite to be in a sleeper, after I gave a lotta bucks for a sleeper, I might consider slicing my wrists.


Expert Expediter
Can't believe they actually have "reservations" for IdleAire...that's gotta stink....espec if it's hot there.



Veteran Expediter
i made reservation at the motel ive been staying at for the past several months,but this morning when i arrived ,no room,so im at another,and i wont be back,this is 9 bucks more expensive,8 miles farther from load,but much nicer rooms,now what i really had to say,get the corporate lodging card,motel is cheaper tham idle aire,


Seasoned Expediter
Sounds like a pretty good reason to get yourself an APU or a genset. Seems like everyone wants to build a truck with a big sleeper, but they seem to forget about how to keep it cool/warm without idling the truck engine.

Bob's Blog


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Those Idleaire "Reserved Spaces" are for those of us that have purchased the gold card. The gold card cost $10.00 every 6 months,and one of the perks is that they reserve spaces.

Sorry you were ticked off,but grateful that this service is available.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter

I checked out working for IdleAir as one of their flunky's in the TS. One of the big problems i had with the whole operation was the cost. As an expediter plenty of time is spent waiting, and at $1.85hr (I think) it could add up quick.

Seems to me that a APU or a motel would be cheaper in the long run. Plus you can take as many showeres as you want at a motel ;)

I just heard/saw to many complaints about the system to think it would work in the long run. It reminded me of Park-N-View, which was a great idea, and we used it a lot, but the service of the system, and the little yellow targets did it in.


Former "D" unit Driver and Owner Operator with my wife WendyCal.
Possible future Driver of a "C" or "D" unit with the same wife.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
As some drivers predicted when Idleaire first came out, Idleaire is not becoming the profitable venture its backers envisioned. The company has enough cash to keep it going for a while, but the language of its 1Q, 2007 quarterly report brings the writing on the wall into focus.

"Management believes that the Company has sufficient resources to fund its open commitments on purchase orders and its operations during 2007; however, depending on the cash from operations over the remainder of 2007, the Company may be required to limit its site development in 2007 to assist in this regard. Additionally, the Company may be required to limit its site development and seek additional financing in 2008 and beyond to maintain liquidity and fund its operations. Any sale of additional equity or issuance of debt securities may result in dilution to stockholders, and there can be no assurance as to the availability or terms upon which additional funding sources may be available in the future, if at all."

Management holds out hope, saying, "We expect to incur net losses for the foreseeable future as we continue to deploy a critical mass network of locations, expand fleet sales efforts and grow operations. The goal is to increase our utilization and revenues to generate economies of scale which we believe, when combined with relatively flat operating expenses, will allow us to reach profitability."

Management also says, "Since inception, we have incurred losses every fiscal quarter through March 31, 2007. We expect to incur increasing operating expenses as we continue to construct new installation sites. We are currently experiencing negative operating margins and negative cash flows from operations as the cost of operating our ATE® system network exceeds the revenue generated from the usage of the ATE® system network. We cannot provide any assurance that we will achieve profitability, when we will become profitable, the sustainability of profitability should it occur, or the extent to which we will be profitable. Our ability to become profitable is dependent in part upon successful expansion of our ATE® systems nationwide, and achieving greater utilization of our ATE® systems."

Utilization of sites that have been open one year or more is 22.2% (one site used 24 hours per day would be used 100%). No one expects utilization to be 100% since most spots will always be open during the day when trucks are rolling.

Discounted fleet sales are Idleaire's primary revenue source. It seems that while utilization is up from year-ago levels, most of what they are selling is being sold at deep discounts. Government grant money helped get Idleaire started but that capital source will dry up if it has not already done so.

In my opinion, Idleaire has a problem that they must sell their way out of. But the problem with that is not enough truckers and trucking companies are willing to buy what Idleaire sells at the price Idleaire needs to achieve a positive cash flow. Generators being added to trucks and improved internet access from Idleaire alternatives compound Idleaire's problem.

Link to full report:

The company may become viable in its second life; that is after its first owners are forced to dump it at a loss and it is purchased by its next owners at fire-sale prices. If not, I can't help but wonder who will get stuck with the burden of tearing the Idleaire eyesores out of truck stops and how long it will take.


Veteran Expediter
> I dunno Greg. Got a sleeper. Yer in Colorado. Deliver
>Monday. Is there not some hight ground between where you
>came from, and where you are going? I certainly don't
>understand the dilema. If I were going to spend twentyfive
>bucks a nite to be in a sleeper, after I gave a lotta bucks
>for a sleeper, I might consider slicing my wrists.
IdleAire has a fleet rate of $1.85 per hour . Supposedly with engine wear and other factors considered it costs over $3 to idle . As for the cigarette smoke issue I know units are now supposed to have the system purged after each use . The reservation system is a no win situation . Suppose somebody gets held up in traffic and arrives late and finds his spot was given to someone else .


Veteran Expediter
>Sounds like a pretty good reason to get yourself an APU or a
>genset. Seems like everyone wants to build a truck with a
>big sleeper, but they seem to forget about how to keep it
>cool/warm without idling the truck engine.
>Bob's Blog
my sleeper is in use while in motion,motels are for sleeping when spending a couple of days,much cheeper than cost of apu or idle aire, if you have corporate lodging card.


Veteran Expediter

Yes I understand what you are saying and for last night in would not have spent more than $12 or $15, once it cooled off outside it goes off. I was just going to turn off in Vail and later in Frisco but I was h*ll bent on Denver and learn my lesson to find out what the temp was here. Maybe more drastic action is needed next time, I will take your suggestion under consideration. ;)


It wasn’t as bad as I thought last night, I am on the end of the row next to a flat bed, so I got a breeze. It is today I am going to have to figure out what to do, maybe do some shopping and get in a movie.


APU (generator) is on the way but I am now 1200 miles from home and need to get there first before I have it installed.


I believe in the opposite, I don’t have a big sleeper and never will have one unless I can integrate it into a small truck foot print, <35 feet. I have been working on getting the money to purchase the equipment to get this one finished and have most of what I need for the a/c – heat but lack the ability to do the work on the road and I surely don’t trust others (or can't afford) to do the work to my standards. I think that the guys who have the $125K trucks can afford the APU, but us po’ folk with da cheap truck APUs are priced more than a 1/3 of the cost of the truck.


Sorry I don’t agree with that at all, the idea of all the spaces taken for gold members puts into a club system and defeats the purpose of what they are trying to sell us out here – pay as you go with the convenience of the system to reduce idling while on the road. What I see in our line of work and may apply to others in the industry is we can’t always schedule the time we will be a specific place on a specific day to make use of the service and being told I needed to call at least 14 hours ahead of time but a day or two is better, the idea of a reservation system is idiotic to say the least.


I agree. My vent is about customer service more than anything else which has been lacking at several locations – at this one I didn’t understand why I had to talk to two different people while at the same time not finding a thing about the reservation system on their website or any of their literature I have here. Maybe I am intolerant of poor customer service, like the other day I lectured some idiot at Applebee’s about her attitude and talking on the phone, telling her because of entertaining conversation on her cell phone while I was standing there, she should pay for my food. I just didn’t appreciate her rudeness of ignoring me when I was ready to place my order and descriptions of things that almost turn me off from eating, this was also the type of conversation I had with the district manager later that evening when I really complained about it.

Critter Truckin

Expert Expediter

I recommend Vail or Avon. Had a drop there last month and absolutely loved it. If you can get past the Russians that work at the Denny's in Avon, you'll be fine there. The breeze was awesome coming out of the heat of the desert that day earlier. If you need a cool place to stop in Avon, Park behind the Denny's right off the exit for I-70. Can't remember the number, but it's the only Denny's in town. Beautiful views and trees all over to keep you cool in the day. When I was there, it was July 5th and the high temp was about 78, 77 with wind chill. Definitely a spot worth checking out, and I would go back in a heartbeat.


Veteran Expediter
A question I would like to add to the pot is this:

You deliver late in the evening and head to the only truck stop in the area. Before parking you put $500.00-$600.00 of fuel in you tanks. Then you go looking for a non-Idleaire space only to find non availible. Since we have a large fully contained sleeper w/ genset we have no need to call ahead to reserve an "Idleaire" space. So, all of the Non-Idleaire spaces are full yet there are plenty of "Reserved" ( I wonder how many are REALLY reserved?) Idleaire spaces sitting empty. With us being an E-unit we obviously can't just park in a corner somewhere. The next truckstop is over 100 miles away.

So, are we expected to leave, or forced to use a service we don't need providing we can talk Idleaire out of one of their "reserved" spaces. Does the $500.00-$600.00 fuel purchase mean nothing anymore to the point that the truckstop allows Idleaire to dictate who and where (and if) someone parks on the "truckstop's" property?

I my opinion thats not right and its those truckstops that should loose future fuel,etc business from those that are turned away from parking on their property by Idleaire!x(


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
I guess Streakin, if I absolutely, positively had to do a Truck Stop, i'd certainly find out what precisely the rules were at that site. Presuming, you'd looked around a bit, you need to cover yourself BEFORE you spend ANYTHING with them. Unless, of course, you are independently wealthy. five or six hunnert'll only get you to the next ripoff if you don't.


Veteran Expediter
Yea, it didn't upset me quite as much when I had smaller fuel tanks and cost us less to fillerup, only not be able to get a parking space afterwards! My strategy of late is to park first, drop the trailer and bobtail to the fuel island. Guess you could call that "reserving" a space!

Bet you C and D units can't do that!:p


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Keep the tanks at least 1/2 full so you can just go park and then fill before you leave??? Don't know so just asking but figured with at least 1/2 full tanks even if you couldn't fill before leaving you could get a long way and then fill again.

On the original topic, I guess it's like making a hotel reservation when you know where your overnight stop will be. It's annoying to someone who just shows up there and wants a room/space and can't get it. It would be considered strange to not be able to make a reservation at a motel. If Idleaire doesn't go under it may one day seem just as strange if you couldn't there as well.

I understand the frustration in this instance but can see both sides of the debate.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB
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Seasoned Expediter
>>Sounds like a pretty good reason to get yourself an APU or a
>>genset. Seems like everyone wants to build a truck with a
>>big sleeper, but they seem to forget about how to keep it
>>cool/warm without idling the truck engine.
>>Bob's Blog
>my sleeper is in use while in motion,motels are for sleeping
>when spending a couple of days,much cheeper than cost of apu
>or idle aire, if you have corporate lodging card.

Let's see, it costs me $9.00 to run my geterator for 24 hrs. How much does your room cost per night. Now lets multiply the nights in the motel by the cost per night over say a year. An APU or genset cost between $6500 and $9000 installed. Lets say aboyt $100 per 2 days a week for a motel, that would be $5200 per year. In 18 months my generator will be paid for and cost about $9 a day to run still. I think I win. Most of us in the business use our sleepers as a qusi RV when laying over. I have a corporate card and use it when traveling on my week off I take every so often, it does not save you a whole lot unless you syat in cheap motels, and cheap motels ain't nice, I'd rather be in my sleeper.

Bob's Blog