

Veteran Expediter
>I've got an assumption of what Hillary is like, based on
>what other ppl say. And I don't take that lightly being that
>the ppl who said it worked for her and with her. I'll finish
>my thought later... they got me moving. :)
>-True independence can only be gained if you're trully

Agree, my head goes back to this book that I read a few years ago. I would reccomend it to everyone because it isn't about him only. There's a lot of stuff in there about how she treated the military as personal servants and stuff. Shortly after I read it, she sat down to eat Thanksgiving dinner with our troops in Iraq.....thought I was gonna be sick watching the clips of that.

I see it as a must read, especially now.


Veteran Expediter
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmen!When the going gets tough the slime rise's to the top.
I love it here sooooooo much!!!Paticularly around primary time,then election time then DEFEAT time!!!!!
Roll out the mud boys,it's slingin' time again.And there ain't no mud like good old red white and blue mud,I must say!Hope you don't mind Madam President,as you may have to learn how to say it.
Fred was asleep on Tim's show yesterday morning by the way,he can't get out of his own way.
Rudy,well alright,a Republican that knows the difference between a womans right to choose and blind rage.Hats off,but the "moral majority"may have a problem with it.Their really not that moral anyway,sexually frustrated is more like it."I just have big shoes judge"replied the politician from Idaho"I'm not now gay nor have I ever been gay".Just guilty and gay me thinks.Rolly polly white guys with pink skin on thier face's and big bellies should stay out of politics or learn to tell the truth.
Since we have surly not had a bright white guy for the last 7 years,I'm going to be looking beyond that stero type this time.It seems we have run amok and decided the out side is more important then the grey matter.WE might just be surprised boys and girls.
Who can tell me verbaidum the brilliant statement by another famous white politician Dan Quale about the tragic waste of intellegence?He would know thats for sure!


Veteran Expediter
"What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is."
-- Vice President Dan Quayle

He earns the title of this thread!!!

But still, I can't go red or blue, what am I gonna do?? The pickins' are slim.

All I am trying to say in suggesting this book is that when people treat others the way this young man describes, to me it indicates deep character flaw and it's not something you just change because you now want to be president.


Veteran Expediter
Well... just keep thinking we'd be getting more of lovable ol' BJ Clinton, cause we wouldn't be. We'd be getting his dominatrix of a wife. Love how he came to the rescue when she was crying gender the other day. Sorry missy... gotta have some balls to be pres... and I don't mean genitalia. Tho I wouldn't be surprised... :7

-True independence can only be gained if you're trully independant.


Veteran Expediter
Head of the class Diva!It's a classic for all time,and certainly appropriate for the current Republican who's billed as"Leader of the Free World'(sic)


Veteran Expediter
You know, when you actually look at the candidates, there is no one out there – all empty suits.

I won't vote for the traitor McCain and his chance of getting into the real race is nil unless the others all die in a horrible bus crash. Giuliani is not what I would consider my first choice for president and Thompson has been a rather big disappointment to a lot of us so on the repub's side, who is there? Ron Paul?

On the Dems side, we have Hillary, Obama and Edwards - all three stand for nothing except more control, taxes and more BS - which we don't need in the country but again not any of them really has come up with a plan and two are senators who can introduce bills to show us what they want to do but won't.

I am afraid that if Hillary gets in, we will see more dismantling of the military that Carter ever dreamed of and a lot higher taxes – instead of being rich at $250K it will be at $125K and the poverty level will exceed $80K for the SCHIP program not to mention socialized medicine. If Obama gets in, he has little experience to run the country and has yet proved his worth as a senator with the ear mark exposure program being diluted and non-existent with the other socialist programs he has proposed. If Edwards gets in, God help the country.

I take measure in one thing, if we get a dem in office, we will have at least 4 years of higher taxes and more security issues then we ever had before. The stupidity of the country at large to believe that any Dem can possibly help the country is amazing and because when you have the enemies, like Hezbollah and Al Qaeda supporting a democrat candidate and hoping any of them will win, there is a clear indication that the country is in a bad situation. I can see the ads now; “Osama Bin Laden here, My candidate is Hillary Clinton. She will help us win. Vote for Hillary, we need her. Endorsed by Al Qaeda for Hillary political action committee a registered 501 (c4)â€.

I really think that this country will be going through 6 to 8 years of ##### before someone steps up to the plate and straightens it out.

As I said before, I think that the dems have a few good classic liberals in the mix that would make great presidents, I won’t mention who yet. But because the party is so far left and run by hatemongering idiots and bigots backed by fools who are equally hateful of the country, they don’t stand a chance to run for anything except state rep positions. The repubs on the other hand are just a bunch of fools and need to embrace core American values and step away from the political pandering driven by polls and make certain that the people know what they stand for. But with Bush and his wandering down the path of righteous destruction on issues of the border, Mexico and the UN no wonder we have no one that can set the direction. By the way Iraq has nothing to do with domestic issues and it is domestic issues that drive elections, not international issues. Oh and there is another really compelling issue that we are in Iraq that I will post in another thread when I get to it.

Also just a side bar here, Quayle is not the idiot, ALGORE is followed by Carter. When you look at what little ALGORE did as VP and the praise he gets now for all this work on ‘global warming’ then to see that his own president DID NOT SUPPORT HIM in the 2000 election, who is the idiot?

Quayle didn’t run against Clinton in ’92 if I am not mistaken.


Veteran Expediter
Greg,it's interesting you mention the country may go through 6 or 7 years of brown matter in the near future.WHAT ABOUT THE LAST 6 OT 7 YEARS!!
It would be virtually impossable for the next President to be any worse,under any set of circumstances.I mean honestly,how can you make such a mistaken opinion without even suggesting what we have been through,AND HE'S NOT FINISHED YET(I mean his thinking cap the VP is not done yet).
I agree,where is Quales Oscar or Nobel prize for gosh sake!!I mean really,he was a stiking leader and left a legacy that will not soon be forgotten!Just the book of his studders and stammers and misuese of our language is enough to have earned him a public speaking award that he could share with W.
Greg,to quote the statue who was identified as the last CEO of FECC
"the future's so bright I gotta wear shades".Although he was not talking about the next election,I would have to say with the real idiot out of office,anything,and I mean anything and anybody will be a vast improvment.


Veteran Expediter
I don't disagree with the past 8 years but I have to say if we really depend on an Oscar or the tainted Noble prize to indicate anything like leadership, especially from a person who is truly a poster child for hypocrisy (with a few others), then the country and humanity is in real trouble. Neither of these things indicates leadership when you come down to it - they are political statements at best.


Veteran Expediter
PLEASE HELP ME, I REALLY WANT TO VOTE DEMOCRAT this election but what are my choices again? Thank goodness Bush cannot run, but what are my choices again?


Veteran Expediter
Your Daddy taught you well Leo(I still think your a mogul doing what you love)but thats another topic.
This tread was about the term idiot being applied to canidates for President.A very strong term this early in the process.I can only imagine what the rhetoric will sound like 6 months from now!!
These are very well educated canidates with big bank rolls and even bigger plans.Take a deep breath and keep the big guns (strong rhetoric)for the final days when it matters.#####,we're not even to the primaries yet!!
I don't dispute your graph,I've seen it before.However,the term it is being used to describe has other root causes as well.


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What is sad is it is slowly looking like we are coming down to Hillary or Rudy. I can't say I am thrilled with either one. Bush has been a big disappointment, but I certainly think there could be worse.

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
My father did an excellent job. If all were that good we'd have far fewer problems in this country. I hadn't put a dog into this fight but since my name came up I guess I'll throw a dime in. One could debate the choice of idiot versus others equally suitable but the issue isn't what term to use it's the stupidity of Obama to not at the very least put his hand over his heart during a recital of the pledge. I believe it is a mistake to not say (and mean) the pledge and a major error to not at least visually appear patriotic by covering the heart.

I've never considered myself a snow jump and actually never even thought about it before. We'll have to get to that thread so I can hear how I'm a snow jump.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB
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Veteran Expediter
You're right, Leo. Appearances are everything. Regardless of what he feels or believes, the public perception shows him as being unpatriotic. He knows better, being a politician. Unless, of course, he's trying to get the "hate America" crowd away from Her Thighness.

-True independence can only be gained if you're trully independant.