You know, when you actually look at the candidates, there is no one out there – all empty suits.
I won't vote for the traitor McCain and his chance of getting into the real race is nil unless the others all die in a horrible bus crash. Giuliani is not what I would consider my first choice for president and Thompson has been a rather big disappointment to a lot of us so on the repub's side, who is there? Ron Paul?
On the Dems side, we have Hillary, Obama and Edwards - all three stand for nothing except more control, taxes and more BS - which we don't need in the country but again not any of them really has come up with a plan and two are senators who can introduce bills to show us what they want to do but won't.
I am afraid that if Hillary gets in, we will see more dismantling of the military that Carter ever dreamed of and a lot higher taxes – instead of being rich at $250K it will be at $125K and the poverty level will exceed $80K for the SCHIP program not to mention socialized medicine. If Obama gets in, he has little experience to run the country and has yet proved his worth as a senator with the ear mark exposure program being diluted and non-existent with the other socialist programs he has proposed. If Edwards gets in, God help the country.
I take measure in one thing, if we get a dem in office, we will have at least 4 years of higher taxes and more security issues then we ever had before. The stupidity of the country at large to believe that any Dem can possibly help the country is amazing and because when you have the enemies, like Hezbollah and Al Qaeda supporting a democrat candidate and hoping any of them will win, there is a clear indication that the country is in a bad situation. I can see the ads now; “Osama Bin Laden here, My candidate is Hillary Clinton. She will help us win. Vote for Hillary, we need her. Endorsed by Al Qaeda for Hillary political action committee a registered 501 (c4)â€.
I really think that this country will be going through 6 to 8 years of ##### before someone steps up to the plate and straightens it out.
As I said before, I think that the dems have a few good classic liberals in the mix that would make great presidents, I won’t mention who yet. But because the party is so far left and run by hatemongering idiots and bigots backed by fools who are equally hateful of the country, they don’t stand a chance to run for anything except state rep positions. The repubs on the other hand are just a bunch of fools and need to embrace core American values and step away from the political pandering driven by polls and make certain that the people know what they stand for. But with Bush and his wandering down the path of righteous destruction on issues of the border, Mexico and the UN no wonder we have no one that can set the direction. By the way Iraq has nothing to do with domestic issues and it is domestic issues that drive elections, not international issues. Oh and there is another really compelling issue that we are in Iraq that I will post in another thread when I get to it.
Also just a side bar here, Quayle is not the idiot, ALGORE is followed by Carter. When you look at what little ALGORE did as VP and the praise he gets now for all this work on ‘global warming’ then to see that his own president DID NOT SUPPORT HIM in the 2000 election, who is the idiot?
Quayle didn’t run against Clinton in ’92 if I am not mistaken.