Yes, you're looking for a short. Either a component or the harness has a short. The EGR valve is pretty expensive.Both EGR valves are on this same circuit. The white wire at both valves are both power supply from U2 act fuse.I have a 04 hino 338 with engine model j08e-tb. The issue I'm having is the u2 act fuse keeps blowing. I have replaced the turbo, went threw all the grounds and cleaned them up. Made sure they are good and cean. It will drive great for about 20ish min and then the fuse blows. Any help would be appreciated
Thanks, I'll check it out tomorrow and see what I can find. I'm pretty much looking for a short somewhere that keeps blowing the fuse? Also the cruise control stopped working. Any way they are related? It stopped right when the fuse started blowing. It won't let me idle up for the pto when I run the vacuum.
For the rest of this stuff, i don't know. I don't want to offer a ton of speculation. Yes, they could be related. When troubleshooting this stuff, I have a computer attached to it so I can see what's being input and what's being commanded. I will confirm that when the VNT or EGR valves go down, expect limp mode in an instant.
Edit: A forum member in Florida recently had an event similar to what you're describing, but the U2 act fuse wasn't blowing (from what I understand). It would run fine, then go into limp mode with no check engine light. After a mind-numbing, hours-long, incredibly slow drive to the dealer, the EGR valves were replaced and all problems solved.
Unless you're willing to spend $1200 on a guesstimate, I'd take it in for an actual diagnosis.
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