By a respected member of interjecting my Can. way of life on Americans..said I should assimulate!
If I remember once long ago....when Britain was in charge they brought people over and those people also interjected their opinion on things were being run....and Bingo the US was born and the Brits gone....
Now this poor immigrant would be denied the very same right by said member to hush and just go along with things....
Do I not have the same rights these early settlers wanted?
If i am not allowed my say haven't you just
replaced one task master with another...
If I remember once long ago....when Britain was in charge they brought people over and those people also interjected their opinion on things were being run....and Bingo the US was born and the Brits gone....
Now this poor immigrant would be denied the very same right by said member to hush and just go along with things....
Do I not have the same rights these early settlers wanted?
If i am not allowed my say haven't you just
replaced one task master with another...