I was once accused of....


Retired Expediter
By a respected member of interjecting my Can. way of life on Americans..said I should assimulate!

If I remember once long ago....when Britain was in charge they brought people over and those people also interjected their opinion on things were being run....and Bingo the US was born and the Brits gone....

Now this poor immigrant would be denied the very same right by said member to hush and just go along with things....

Do I not have the same rights these early settlers wanted?

If i am not allowed my say haven't you just
replaced one task master with another...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
By a respected member of interjecting my Can. way of life on Americans..said I should assimulate!

If I remember once long ago....when Britain was in charge they brought people over and those people also interjected their opinion on things were being run....and Bingo the US was born and the Brits gone....

Now this poor immigrant would be denied the very same right by said member to hush and just go along with things....

Do I not have the same rights these early settlers wanted?

You've replaced one task master with another...

I did not tell you to hush, when did I do that? All I ever said is that the cause of "freedom" and "self-determination" should be advanced and never impeded.


Retired Expediter
Especially when it agrees with yours. :cool:

which would be once a year or so.:rolleyes:

We are not suppose to agree.;).that would be boring...Joe and I and Dennis are always into it...they are trying to get me out of the darkside...and I am hard wired different...:eek:


Veteran Expediter
He's hard wired...it's in the coffee at Tim Hortons. It's a Canadian government plot. Right now we are working hard to take over Ohio with our tasty "baked fresh" brand of socialisim....one coffee and cruller at a time. Soon you will sit with a box on donuts and a cup of coffee, watching MSNBC and saying to yourself "This Keith Olbermann guy really gets it!"


Retired Expediter
He's hard wired...it's in the coffee at Tim Hortons. It's a Canadian government plot. Right now we are working hard to take over Ohio with our tasty "baked fresh" brand of socialisim....one coffee and cruller at a time. Soon you will sit with a box on donuts and a cup of coffee, watching MSNBC and saying to yourself "This Keith Olbermann guy really gets it!"

Hey we got Hollywood...I know big deal....

Alex..I'll take Canadian Politics for 500....:rolleyes:

highway star

Veteran Expediter
Alex: "We do this for you because we know you can't do it for yourself."

OVM: "Why does the government insist on taking care of everyone from cradle to grave?"